Buff Orpington Egg Color

i have lavender orpington and she lays a light blue colored eggs
I think you likely have a lavender Amercauna. If so...
Orps lay light brown eggs.
I just took a short out of town trip, was away for one night, had the father in law care for the birds while we visited family and friends...came home to the first eggs laid by our birds, 2 similarly shaped, but vastly different sized eggs. Tonight I found my BB white hen sitting on a different shaped egg.
I have 3 buff orpington hens, a BB white hen, and 2 RIR hens, and 2 hatchery choice ducks, all within a week being same age. Purchased as hatchlings in March 2015, so over 20 weeks old. Also purchased in May, 2 bourbon red toms, all sharing a house with 2 large separate runs.
The birds get along well (aside from the BB white's mild food greed)
I'm not sure what birds are laying which eggs.
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Looks like a buff too me also. I have an Ameraucana that doesn't lay colored eggs, so I call her my defective chicken! lol! However, I am sure there are chickens that don't lay exactly what we are expecting or the "normal" because, frankly- we are all different and so are they ;)
Just got an egg today, before washing it was pinkish with white spots, after washing it was medium brown and very heavily speckled. It was either my Buff Orpington or my Partridge and I can't figure out!

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