Buff Orpington Not active at all


In the Brooder
Jan 13, 2024
Since yesterday morning I noticed our buff Orpington wanting to do nothing but lay down. She’s an old girl, probably in her last year of laying but I noticed a strange walk and she is pooping fine. Today I came home from work to find her laying down outside the coop, shaking her head continuously as if she had something on it. It’s safe to say Daisy isn’t doing very well and I need some advice.


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How old is she? Do you know when she last laid? Has she ever had issues laying, abnormal eggs, extra large eggs, etc? What do you mean by 'strange walk', can you describe?
Is she eating and drinking? Is her crop empty, full, soft and squishy, hard, etc? Check it first thing in the morning also, before she has access to food and water, see if it's empty then, it should be. Feel her abdomen, below the vent, between the legs for any bloat, either water balloon like, or very firm. Feel her keel bone, is it well muscled, or is the bone very prominent? Poops are normal looking? Check her over thoroughly for any injuries or wounds hiding in feathers, any bruising (may look greenish) on body, legs, feet. Also look for any lice or mites hiding, particularly around the vent and under wings. Any wheezing, coughing , sneezing, discharge from eyes, nares or beak?
Just writing to give an update. Daisy passed away and did have a large, watery balloon fluid abdomen. She was about 7-8 years of age and just slowed over her last days and didn’t want to get up.

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