Buff Orpington Rooster --Still won't Rooster!


8 Years
Jan 25, 2012
Southeastern, Oklahoma
I have a 21 week old Buff Orpington Rooster that still hasn't crowed!! What's the deal?? He was at the bottom of the pecking order for a while, and frankly, terrified of the hens. But he's gotten over his fear, for the most part, but while all my other roosters (in different coops. He is the only rooster in his coop) have felt a need over the last 4 weeks to show just how many times they can crow in a day, he is silent. He is the only Buff Orpington Roo that I have, or have ever had, so I don't really have anything to compare him too.

Is it normal for a Buff Orpington Rooster to not be sexually mature at 21 weeks or is he a late bloomer?
Is he hatchery or breeder stock?

Orpington cockerels can take anywhere from six to ten months and occasionally a year to begin crowing and mating. If he's breeder stock it will be closer to ten months or a year. If he's hatchery, he will likely be crowing within a couple months.
Is he hatchery or breeder stock?

Orpington cockerels can take anywhere from six to ten months and occasionally a year to begin crowing and mating. If he's breeder stock it will be closer to ten months or a year. If he's hatchery, he will likely be crowing within a couple months.

Wow, thanks for that information! He is hatchery stock. Great to know that he is not abnormal!
Just an update: This guy finally started crowing at around 29 weeks! It took him long enough! Now he crows ALL THE TIME, and he finally has those hens whipped into shape! Hopefully this will provide encouragement to anyone else who might find their self with a rooster like mine, one who just doesn't seem to know how to rooster! Take heart, he will get there eventually!

Thanks again!
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Bigger breeds mature more slowly. I personally find early development in roosters tends to mean they are going to be trouble. I prefer them to mature more slowly. Glad to hear yours is starting to do his job.

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