Buff Orpington weirdo


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 24, 2012
Good morning,
My BO starting acting funny and I wanted to get your opinions. Don't
Worry, she is healthy and happy. She free ranges all day and is a member of
My over indulged flock. However she recently started a new behavior when I approach
and I wanted to know why she is doing it. Whenever I go around or towards her she fluffs up like a turkey Tom and spreads her tail and wings like one. I took a video but I don't see anywhere to. Upload it. I'm not overly concerned and find it amusing.
That. Is what I used to think but she used to just squat for me...I don't know why she is fluffing up to maximum size now haha
I think she's just glad to see you and making sure you see her. I have a BO hen that follows me like a dog and she'll talk a little to make sure I see and pay a little attention to her...especially during grass hopper season.

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