Buffs from Metzer?


9 Years
Jan 28, 2010
central massacheezits
I ordered 2 pair for this spring, based on many many reports of excellent customer service, vigorous birds, and overall positive reviews all around. I liked that I could order 2 sexed pairs. Have you gotten Buffs from Metzers? If so, can you tell me about them? How's their quality? I can see, for instance, the difference between a runner duck from Metzer's vs one from Holderread's, but I'm not so savvy on geese yet - if you say a certain goose is pet/hatchery quality can you point out its deficits? I can see obvious stuff like size or bill color or temperament but the more subtle stuff eludes me still and I'm keen to learn. I'm not expecting SQ but I'd like to be able to say why, you know? Thanks!
My Buff pair is from Metzer, and while I'm more than pleased with them, I wouldn't say they are show quality. As pets they have been great.

Their size is good and over all coloring is close. However, the goose has one lobe bigger than the other and the gander's bill and feet color is slightly too pink. They also developed more dark buff feathers one their bellies after this years molt.

Now, when I compare them to the Buffs I've seen at the state poultry show, they are better than most but not as good as the top winners.
Catnip thanks! that's exactly the sort of info I was hoping for in a reply
Metzer has nice waterfowl, but in most cases they are not as good show birds as you would get from Holderread. Metzers china geese are show quality.


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