Buffs On Order

They're growing and doing good.....

One of them has a sticky eye though.... I took them and let them bathe today in hopes that would clear that up.

I need to get something rigged up they can submerge their heads in more often......
Hi! My three goslings are the same age as yours I think.. Have you tried using a milk jug to water them? I have a milk jug on its side with two head-sized holes near the top of it so they can get into it.. They can submerge their heads, but not actually get themselves in it.

Have you tried walking them around yet? Yesterday, my geese and I practiced inside, and today I took them out in the yard after I dried them after their swim, and they loved eating the greens and running after me.. It tired them out, too.
I haven't done the milk jug deal yet....that's what I need to do though I think.

Yeah, we've took a few little outings. I make honking noises to get them to follow me if I'm ready to move and they're not paying attention...lol
Tonight our dog was in the proximity of the geese as I had them out following me around doing some stuff, and one of them in particular acted like it was gonna kick the dog's butt. Did the whole head down, neck out attack charge a couple different times. Funny to see.
They're starting to get some feathers coming in now.

Tonight will probably be the first night they spend out in the coop instead of the brooder. They pretty much fill it up now. lol

Plus, I will have chicks arriving beginning of next week, so will need the brooder room to get them started.
You're funny!

I had a bunch of buff geese (just sold them a few weeks ago) and I loved them. I think they are one of the prettiest colors. I can't wait to see pics of yours as they feather out.

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