Bug infestation


6 Years
Jan 10, 2017
Western WA, USA
I have a 7 month old rooster that is infested with these bugs, I noticed he wasn’t doing so good and I thought he was just sick and he will fight it off. But when I picked him up and looked at him I found an infestation of these bugs, they are only on this bird and not the others. He is quarantined away from the other chickens. Anyone know what these bugs are and how to get rid of them.
Here are the eggs
Those are poultry lice, he needs to be treated with permethrin ASAP. Since he isn't feeling well, I would use the dust on him, and while he isn't feeling well, keep him in a warm room with access to food and water.

dust_2.jpg dust_1.jpg
Poor thing. I had the same thing with my rooster when I got him about 4 weeks ago from someone. I used permethrin 10 spray I got from tractor supply, it’s like $8 for a small bottle which is all you should need. It’s a 1:200 dilution for chickens so I did 4 ml to 800 ml in a spray bottle I picked up from there too. You would want to spray the back of his neck, base of his back, vent, belly, and under both wings with a couple of sprays - don’t drench. I treated all my chickens for it, cleaned out all the bedding in my coop, sprayed every inch and then put bedding back in. I did it for 2 more weeks and then only did the chickens and sprayed the coop again without burning the bedding. Make sure you wear gloves and a mask :ducI’m sure about him not feeling well and using the dust versus spray, but the spray worked for me. Let us know how you make out, sorry you’re dealing with this!
The last one I used spray on I though was gonna die. I ended up putting him in a heated room in warm towels on top of a heating pad. :oops:
Oh my gosh, the poor thing! I would feel so terrible if that would have happened when I sprayed my chickens! I did it on very warm days early in the morning so they wouldn’t get cold, but they weren’t observed as being sick so I wasn’t that concerned. I’m glad your chicken was able tot recover from that!
Poultry dust will take care of those buggers. In a pinch, you can use Python dust as well. It also works. If you can, I recommend plucking out the feathers that have all those eggs.
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