Building a Coop in an Existing Barn


6 Years
Nov 3, 2013
SW Ohio
I have an old barn on my property and would like to build a coop in one of the corners, 12x12 size or so. It has a concrete floor. I know I would have to do a couple fixes in the security department because it is an older barn, and there are a few holes in the outer walls that I am sure predators could squeeze through. Any other advice before I start? I couldn't find a whole lot of info on building this type of coop. Oh I should also mention there is one existing window in their coop area, but I plan on adding two more on the south side (their coop will be on the south and west walls). Any help is much appreciated!

Btw, I am a 25 yr old girl with a hubby who works CRAZY hours and a 2.5 yr old and a 8 month old and will probably be building this mostly myself with maybe some help from my mom's husband if he can get speaking simple english would be helpful LOL
Lots of folks have done this....including me, well, it's a big shed not a barn...look at My Coop page.

Best way to find what you want here:
advanced search>titles only> coop in barn

Put 'em down for a nap and do some reading!
Lots of folks have done this....including me, well, it's a big shed not a barn...look at My Coop page.

Best way to find what you want here:
advanced search>titles only> coop in barn

Put 'em down for a nap and do some reading!

Thanks for the link. That helps a lot as we just moved and are without internet and the search feature on my phone isn't working.

I may be young and a girl lol but I am not daft. I have done tons of reading! I could probably go out and build a stand alone coop in 3 or 4 days provided the weather was nice enough that the boys could be outside BUT I just was asking if there was anything that people had run across after they built theirs in barns that they didn't think of before. I have ventilation planned, security planned, materials planned, lighting and nesting planned etc etc... :) I will search your link, hope to find some good info there. Thanks again!

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