building a coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 7, 2014
Union Grove, NC
I am planning to build a coop in my barn tomorrow. I will be utilizing an unused equipment stall under my hay loft. Two sides are solid walls (well as solid as an old barn wall can be). I plan to use a combo of plywood lower and 2x4 welded wire upper to finish the one wall and to create the door. I will be housing 4 full grown BRs to start with and housing will be only temporary for a few weeks till they are turned lose on the farm. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Will add pictures as I complete.
Chickens are predator bait, and totally vulnerable while roosting. Any opening bigger that 1/2 inch sq. will let in chicken killing night visitors. Build secure and you won't have nasty suprises in the barn in the morning. If it's a dirt floor, prevent digging too.
Welcome! Mary
Well I agree with Folly. Chicken coops really need to be secure to avoid any unpleasant sights in the morning. A year back I had a coop built in my backyard in a week. Really happy with the work! Here's one picture of it:
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2"x4" wire will keep out large predators, but not small ones. I once had an adult opossum slip through a 2"x2" opening in chain link fence. I thought for sure he was going to get stuck, and I was going to have to get gloves on and pull him out. But he made it though.

I use two layers of fencing around my coop and run. The outer layer is 2"x4" fence, and the inner layer is 1/2" hardware wire. I have never had any predators get through both layers.

Post pics as you get them so we can keep up with your progress.
Provide enough roosting space on the highest bar of the roost for all of the birds. I started with 2 six foot long roosts one a foot higher than the other. They fought every evening till dark for the best spots on the top roost. I added 6 more feet at the highest level and other than some minor jousting for position the problem is gone. My 2 cents worth good luck
So construction of the coop is under way. Have changed up the design up a little. The bottoms of the exterior walls are plywood buried about 8 inches in the ground. The walls of the barn (exterior coop walls) are being covered in 2x4 fencing to keep the chickens from getting between the joist and the outsides are covered in tin. The interior walls are going to be poultry wire. (No bashing my choice of wire and yes I know the potential risk). Coop will have a door for access along with an auto pvc pipe feeder and horizontal nipple waterer. Floor covered in hay and will be adding three nesting boxes later. Im adding landscaping timbers for roost about 4 feet off the floor. Coop will be big enough for ten chickens with 14 square ft per chicken. Will post pictures as it comes together.
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