building a duck run on a sloped area opinions?


6 Years
Jul 18, 2013
Any input for those who have been there? DH thinks we need to haul in dirt and level the area first, but I was thinking if it's sloped, it will drain well and not be such a muddy mess. It's not really bad, the one end is about 2 feet lower than the other end, if I use that area ducks will get a decent size run, with partial shade, abt 20x20 feet. Part of it is flat enough for the pool and house.

My question is, if you all think the slope isn't too bad, how do i do the fence? Should I just make it taller on the back side? I want it fully enclosed.

Any other pointers?
I have a basketball size duck "pasture" on a slight incline. My biggest concern with the incline is where the water from the duck kiddie pool is going to drain to. Eventually I am going to build a pond, but the runoff will still be a concern. Ideally, I should plant some shrubs or vegetables downstream of the fertilizer rich dirty duck water. I put up the fence myself, so it looks absolutely unprofessional, but it does not bother me. Remember, you will see the fruit of your labors every day, so take your time.

Good luck,
You can just do it taller on the backside. We built our coop on unlevel ground... we leveled it as best we could but then poured concrete (to predator proof).. Ours is fine.
thanks. I've drained the koi pond in that direction every spring, with no issues. I want to use something to make it dig proof, I do have a truckload of extra rocks left from my pond expansion, I am considering digging a trench and placing the stones along the bottom of the fence the whole way around, like a rock wall with the fence sunk in some. possibly sunk AND skirted. Does that sound like it would work? I just picked up about 200 feet of welded wire fencing yesterday.

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