Building a Quail Hutch **UPDATE** Finished! Photo-Heavy

Great Job
What are the measurement for it?
bigjohn - thanks! We can reach into the corners fairly easily, but I like your idea of a sloped bottom. I thought about it briefly, but it was all starting to get more complicated than I'd first intended, and I hadn't built anything in a very long time. Let me know how it goes! We've talked about possibly adding more cages in the future (separate from this one), but I'm a beginner, and I only got jumbo browns since they're easy to sex!

Baachus - I was considering building my own trays out of wood and linoleum, but it looks like I'm going with plastic bin lids instead, from IKEA. The plastic is light, and will be easy to clean. I'm putting shelf lining down on the wood slats below the cages so the poop trays won't blow away (very windy where we live)

We're going to drill holes in the bottom of the leftover bins and use them for planters.

sporttees - It's approximately 2 feet deep, 5 1/2 feet tall at the back, a little over 6 feet in the front, and 6 feet across. I'll be posting diagrams and some basic instructions to my blog hopefully in the next month or so.
Thank you for your reply. If you don't mind me asking, what is the size of the plastic bin lids you found at IKEA? I previously thought of using tuflex roofing material as "trays," but if the plastic bin lids you're talking about are big and long enough, I bet they'll be the better alternative. Thanks again. I promise to share pictures of my hutch once I get around to working on it.
Don't forget to share photos with the rest of us once you get started, I'm sure many on here like myself will find it very useful. I'm still in the process of drawing mine out on SketchUp, so I'm trying to gather as many ideas as possible.
I'm quite new with this quail raising craze...
I'd like to know, if you don't mind telling me, how many square feet this is and how many corturnix quail go into it?
Andrea, that is a great looking set-up!!!!

Between you and Nancy and I, we could do some egg/bird swapping to keep the gentics clean!!! I go up to Citrus Heights to visit my mother every few months.

Take care and good luck with the quail!!..........Jason

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