building a rabbit hutch

Oh. I am new to this website. Is there another way that I could get a hold of the original poster for the plans?
I have silver foxes. Just picked up our first doe for breeding. Have had a buck for over a year. I have cage envy since I'm trying to get my big set of cages outside. We might just have to put up four posts and a roof for now.
there are some very nice hutches made with just that idea. I'll see if I can dig up a picture for you. Congrats on the Silver Fox! I also just got a pair and had to bust tail to get the hutch finished for them.
Guess I was hoping to have it done when I showed everything. However here's the in progress pic. There are some tin panels on the roof now, and we'll need to enclose the sides now that it's getting colder, but you get the idea. I think the cages were built for showing geese, we put some flooring inside, and nest boxes on the back to make it nice for the silver foxes.

This is such a really nice hutch. I now have an idea on what would be my next project. Thank you for sharing this nice hutch.
I m very interested in your watering getup.....would like to build one myself... Also, how do you attach your feeders, have a bunch but rabbit escape after dislodging feeders.

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