Building an "artifical" nest

Well, I guess you can make a nest out of towels but they aren't warm, will get ridiculously poopy and I'd never do that in a million years. Chicks need heat and they don't produce enough on their own. As far as making your own hay, I guess you could cut down some tall grasses and let them dry IF you knew they hadn't been treated with any chemical pesticides, etc.
Well, I guess you can make a nest out of towels but they aren't warm, will get ridiculously poopy and I'd never do that in a million years. Chicks need heat and they don't produce enough on their own.  As far as making your own hay, I guess you could cut down some tall grasses and let them dry IF you knew they hadn't been treated with any chemical pesticides, etc.  
Besides getting dirty? Will it do damage? I usually check on them frequently.
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I don't know for sure what you want me to say. Can you do it? Probably. Should you do it? Most definitely NOT. But I've told you all I can - there is no life sustaining heat in a lump of towels, whether you call it a nest or a fort or whatever. It's not safe. I have a feeling you're going to keep asking until you get an answer you like, and mine just ain't it.
I'll pass. You're points are very valid, so I'm going to listen. :) No nest.
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