Building of the duck pen has commenced!


10 Years
Jul 10, 2009
This pic is what you see when entering the pen. We will finish the framing for the door (with 3 latches) on that end once we get the rest of the wire up. We put down a skirt of hardware cloth (on 3 sides so far), then covered it with dirt. We will put down landscape fabric over that, cover it with pea gravel, then river rock that we harvest from the yard. Their shelter will be at the far end as well as a covered area for food. Their pool will be where the sun is shining on the side next to the fence.

This is the view from the other end. All the plants and grass will be gone before the end of fall. That area will be where our garden will be; during the winter the ducks can have the run of it as well as the rest of the yard, the rest of the time they can have the rest of yard excluding the garden. Though they will be allowed supervised bug/slug patrol in the garden while it's growing.

There are 2x2s on the 'roof', they will be covered with chicken wire. I think it will also make a great grape arbor!

The last pic shows the entrance and fence for the garden (it matches our fence in the front yard). Once the ducks are able to be outside on their own we will put green vinyl chicken 'wire' on the backside of the fence.
I definately will. With fall setting in we haven't had much time to work on it, trying to get plants & bushes cut back and getting a veggie garden area ready for next year. We used to have it in the front yard but people were taking our produce, we even have a fenced yard! The new garden will be next to the duck pen.

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