Building the ideal chicken run

Omran, I love that huge run you have! If I had one that size I think I would build a second coop, at the opposite end, divide the run, and have meat birds as well. Nice to hav it all covered as well like that! Makes for a year round run.
Did you watch the eventing during the Olympics? I took great pleasure in noticing (and of course pointing out to my golf playing husband) that the cross country course was a comandeered golf course. Oh that did my heart some good.
You've put together a great area for your flock of chickens. I like the building used as a windbreak.... very good idea. And the inclement weather run
is perfect. Really well constructed in all ways.
I have to ask if your hens look longingly at the garden during the day.
Bet they can hardly wait to fertilize the soil!

For those of you who live in places where it snows in the winter, do you let your chickens out or are they cooped up through the winter? Forgive the silly question, but this will be our first winter with chickens and boy they sure enjoy their outside time. I'm considering adding an awning of sorts coming off their coop if I can convince my husband to do it.
this is my 2nd winter with chickens. I had no where to let them out last year, but plan to give them the option this year to go into the run. I saw chickens out at some farms at various times last winter. They would be roaming with the horses in the pastures.
These are great. But I need a movable secure run. Tractor concept, but instead of a small tractor a large chicken corral of heavy 2x4 wire roofed with chicken wire, that can be secured with landscape pins, with attached apron which I will set large stones on. And since a coop will be needed - do I really need 3 sq ft per hen? that will have to go "on wheels" and be movable as well. The idea is secondary housing for my adult hens who don't want to lay when my pullets outgrow the green house in a few weeks, and a place I can stick all the laying hens if I have to go on vacation for any reason. My dogs patrol the back yard a bit too thoroughly, don't want anyone bitten trying to get eggs. Don't want hens to start eating the eggs.

Since this is for large hens, I don't know how badly I need the hardware cloth or even 1 inch chicken wire over the bottom couple of feet. I do not put perches near fenceline within raccoon reach.

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