Built a 10x12' coop from scratch


11 Years
Jun 3, 2008
Just north of Raleigh
Yep, we are officially nuts, ha ha! I finally gathered pics and details and posted them on my page. (Didn't want to post the whole thing twice, figured I would just post the link to my page.)


Note: I'm trying to go back and add details as I remember and am having a couple of glitches with the page. But for the most part it's there. :p Also, in case you're wondering, we've got 2 Barred Rocks, 1 Easter Egger (black chicken of unknown origin who lays green eggs), 10 Delawares, 1 turkey neck chicken, 1 blue laced red Wyandotte, 1 light Brahma and 1 Plymouth Rock.
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wow!!! fantastic!!!!
That is really good - I built my 8x10 this past spring. It was not nearly as nice as yours!

The only advice I would give is on the pop door. If it doesn't close & lock raccoons & other night critters will find their way in & gobble up your birds. Trust me I learned this the hard way.

Since you have already made such a large investment - a little more might be worth looking into. I added an automatic door to mine. I love it - I can keep the darn rooster locked up in the morning until everyone is awake & I don't have to go out after dark to close it up.

I have not lost a chicken since I installed the door!
Thanks, everyone! Liamm_1, what do you see that we should be aware of regarding rain? I forgot to mention in the post that we are almost done putting up gutters.
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