Bull snake - how many eggs?

Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
14 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
We have been very busy, with many people visiting, and of course that is when I had a production drop. Must be a hidden nest, but I finally had a day to really look and nada. Once in a while I would find a random egg out in the run, just laying on the ground. Right now, I should have 5 active layers and it is June. These are young birds and I should get 4-5 eggs a day, maybe an occasional 3. I was down to 1-2 eggs rather sporadically.

Then my daughter found a bull snake. It was two days before we (as in my sons or husband) had time to get him out. Turns out his days were numbered as the last thing he had eaten was a golf ball.

Since then, immediately, I am back to 4-5 eggs for the last two days...so how many eggs can a snake eat?

Mrs K

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