Bully reconditioning?


Poultry Elitist
11 Years
Jun 18, 2008
Willamette Valley, OR
One of my chickens went broody and hatched out a group of chicks a couple of months ago. She was in a separated area of the chickens' run the entire time. When I reintegrated her, the other girls were definitely working really hard to make sure she knows her place in the pecking order. They quit within a couple of days, however one girl, Rose, has continued to harass her incessantly. Rose is pulling feathers and chasing her whenever she sees her. I'm getting to the point that even though I'm a vegetarian she seems like a great option to make into chicken soup

My plan for tomorrow is to put Rose in the run in a large dog crate, with food and water for a time out (in the corner with a dunce cap for her). I may do this for a couple of days. I'm hoping to break her attitude problem. I have no idea if it will work or not, but I figure it's worth a try.

Has anyone ever been able to reform a Mean Girl? If so, what has worked?
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I haven't done it, but I've read that's the best way to knock a bossy hen down a few pegs.
Good luck!
I had issues with my chickens killing each other when I first started my flock. Nothing worked till I got Peepers. You do not need fancy pliers if you have someone that hold them while you put them on and take them off. I put them on for a month with the problem girls and took them off one by one and made sure it was a few days in between taking them off so if one was still picking on another bird I knew who it was. These were a life saver and cost less than $10 and they are reusable.

Isolate Rose, preferably for at least a week. When she is reintroduced, she will be at the bottom of the picking order.

Simple enough solution. Works for many. I hope it works for you.

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