Bumble foot and the pen area

Kung Fu Chicken

6 Years
Oct 22, 2013
Wilmington, Illinois
My Coop
My Coop
This summer and the rains proved that Bumble foot is a highly frowned upon ailment.

3-4 hens got it and of course I've got to do surgery to remove the nut pulps.

Was thinking about sterilizing the pen ground with some straight Apple Cider Vinegar.

Anyone try this ??

Getting tired of doing surgeries.
Splintering wood, thorny plants, berry brambles, old construction nails that have been buried in sod for years...just some of the things a chicken might get a cut on the foot from. I find unearthed shards of glass in my run sometimes. My property has had a house on it for over a 100 years, and a portion of it was used as a dumping ground over the last 25 years. Only God knows what the chickens will turn up next. I have to constantly patrol their run for random objects.
junebuggena makes great points.....nothing will 'sterilize' the ground....look in coop to for sharps.
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