Bumble Foot surgery - Post Op (Antibiotics?)


In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2018
Herriman, Utah
I had one of my Welsummer hens limping about 10 days ago. It didn't surprise me because she always fights with her sister. I gave her a quick look over and didn't see anything to be alarmed about. Last week she was still limping and when she jumped up onto her perch to get ready for bed I saw her foot was a little swollen. I immediately thought, oh on...she hurt her foot. I checked her out on last weekend and saw she indeed had a swollen foot. I started researching the "BackYard Chickens" forum and saw all sorts of posts on Bumble Foot. I figured that must be it.

My In Laws came into town last week Friday so I have been trying to entertain them while all the whole time in the back of my mind was my darling girl and her sore foot. At nights I watched YouTube Videos of what to do and continued reading what I could do to help my girl. Please keep in mind that I'm a new hen mom as of February so this has all been pretty sudden but I now have 17 hens and 4 chicks...so sink or swim at this point.

Anyway, my in laws decided to go take my husband out for lunch and take my kids with them so I figured it was the perfect time to clean up and get my head wrapped around a quick surgery (yah, I know...right).

Upon inspection of my girls foot (after soaking for 20 minutes) I could see a very large black spot under her foot on the pad and a small eraser size protrusion on the top of her foot. I started cleaning up the top part and it began to wiggle. I felt I could clean it throughly to better inspect but upon cleaning it I could see it was loosening. I grasped it snugly with my fingers and it pulled out leaving a clean pock on the top of her foot.

My focus then went to the botton of her foot. I then realized it was a puncture wound going though her foot entirely. I did the surgery and it went well (I felt). I removed all discolored tissue and cleaned the channel wound). I put triple ointment on her foot and bandaged it up. She seemed in and was walking around on it immediately. I think it was more the pressure of the infection that was hurting her and she must have felt immediately better.

So, my question to everyone is what do I do post op? I have her foot wrapped and no one is bugging her. She is not getting pecked or picked on in any way so I left her with the rest of the hens. I'll keep a close eye on her and change her dressings tomorrow but should I give her some sort of antibiotic? Or should I be doing something else? Not sure if I have covered all the bases? I have done so much research now on bumble foot and most of the stuff shows you how to remove the infection but not a whole lot on post op treatment. Anyone out there have any other recommendations?

Side Note: I love this website because I have been able to do stuff like this with confidence and assurance. I would have never done anything like this a few months ago. WOW, it's nice to have everyone's support here.


Utah Lisa
I've done a few bumblefoot surgeries. It sounds to me that you've done an excellent job.
Leave the foot wrapped for a couple of days then remove the wrap and look for redness and/or swelling. If you see any, that means there might be more infection in the wound and will require more soaking, digging around and squeezing the infection out of the hole.

If you dont see any redness/swelling, repack the hole with the triple antibiotic ointment and wrap it up and reinspect in a few days. If it's completely healed, let her go. If it needs more time, apply the ointment again and rewrap it and wait a couple more days. It should be completely healed by then.
I would get her started on amoxicillin or doxycycline ONLY if you have to do a second surgery to remove more infection missed in the first surgery.
It has now been a few weeks again and it seems she still has swelling in that foot. I think it's still infected. I don't want to have her endure another surgery to open that foot up again, so should I try antibiotics and if so which ones would work the best? Give me a few because I'm not sure which ones I have.
It has now been a few weeks again and it seems she still has swelling in that foot. I think it's still infected. I don't want to have her endure another surgery to open that foot up again, so should I try antibiotics and if so which ones would work the best? Give me a few because I'm not sure which ones I have.
My quail has had 2 rounds of Baytril antiobiotic, Metacam and now trying Amoxicillian because her infection it STILL there, ugh!

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