Bumble Foot Treatment?

hi , is this mastitis ointment available thru a farm supply store , or do I have to get a Vets prescription ?
I have a orphington hen that has the start of bumble foot ..and I am not gonna do any cutting,
she is my best , sweetest , most friendly chicken and O don't wanna ruin our friendly relationship ~LOL ( otherwise it will be to the vets we go )
poor girl :( for the moment I am soaking & putting anti bacterial ointment on her feet .
"Today" is the name and it is not prescription. I got some recently at a large feed/coop store, and you can order from nearly any online livestock products supplier. I did not use the eggs from that hen while treating or for a while afterwards. Milk withdrawal is four milkings after treatment, tho I do not know how that translates to eggs.

As an update on my hen. I used the Today for a couple weeks at least, drizzling it all over the affected foot every night on the roost (messy). I used it few times in the morning if I remembered. Her foot is still a little bumpy but no longer tender for her to walk on, and appears to be just residual from such a long standing infection. And she is now back to laying every day. I can't guarantee it won't recur, but it sure looks hopeful now. And like you, my best hen!

And of course I am not making any recommendations here, just reporting what I tried.

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