Bumblefoot Cure

a possible Bumblefoot ...?? I just found a big black pea size hard black bump on the side of my young NHR toe, she is 25 weeks old or so, and she was not as healthy looking compared to the other NHR at the same age, she was smaller & her comb was a pink color so Im upping her nutrition, because a healthy animal or plant should not develop an infection so easily, plus i was worried that she had Bumblefoot , so i applied some neosporin on the first night after i found it, that was the only thing i had in the house on that evening, then the next day we got some blue kote at the feed store in Hereford AZ and painted it on both legs & feet , so now we are calling her purple girl....lol..
I SOAKED that black bump well with blu kote , then I checked around on line to see which essential oil will kill an infection, & hoped that i had that every same essential oil in my home, and thank goodness I did , and its called thieves oil, plus it can also kill MRSA. methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus .! thank goodness we didn't have to wait for that oil to be shipped to us, so I soaked the black bump with thieves oil right away and again i put my NHR in a clean cage for the day , but by the next day ,after using the thieves oil on that ugly black bump thing it had gone down to half its size, and today the black bump had shrunk again shrinking even smaller , i soaked her toe 2 more times with thieves oil on day 4 and it looks even smaller & im sure it will continue to shrink and then eventually it will just fall off, OK TODAY IS DAY 5, and I have found that black thing has mostly fallen off, by it self , so im sure day 6 will bring a cure of this suspected Bumblefoot, I will report back tomorrow , as today is oct 13 2014 . BUT ALSO here is some very interesting info. about thieves oil , its a good thing to have on hand , and im sure that it is killing what ever this black thing is on my NHR toe..?? here below is a pic of this black thing on her toe. I have ordered more thieves oil , so make sure if you are buying thieves oil , look for THERAPEUTIC Essential Oils , it can be costly I know, but I found this one on e bay ,so I just got it, and this is a great price for thieves oil. plus i am making my own thieves OIL to....!

I got this on E BAY 4 THIEVES 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend-10 ml-Fabulous Frannie-BUY3 GET1 FREE

Item price $4.95
Quantity 1
Item number 271518956601
FREE Shipping service, Standard Shipping
, But you can also make your own THIEVES OIL, im doing that to...! & here is more INFO about THIEVES OIL = http://www.natural-aromatherapy-benefits.com/thievesoilrecipe.html This pic below is day 2, of my NHR & the black bump on the side of her toe.
Homemade thieves oil Anti-infectious Recipes
In a dark glass bottle add the following essential oils:

Recipe #1
40 drops of Clove Essential Oil
35 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
20 drops of Cinnamon Essential Oil​

15 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
10 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil

I soaked it once again today in thieves oil, 3 drops will do it..!! its day 5 Oct 13 , 2014 and will see what tomorrow brings, but its looking like the thieves oil has kill IT...!
its healing now with no fuss ,no cutting, no bandage , no nothing no worries ,THANK GOD FOR THIEVES OIL , I APPLIED IT 1. TIME A DAY it takes just a few seconds to apply 3 drops of thieves oil , so in no time at all, this black ugly thing has been killed off....!! wow this is the best think ever....!! no muss no fuss and my NHR PURPLE GIRL is a happy girl once again..! but its ok to be more aggressive if you feel its necessary when using thieves oil you can always apply thieves oil 2 times a day with out worry. today DAY 6, and we found just a tiny black spot this morning that is hanging on by a thread at the edge of the skin . Im sure it will be all gone by tomorrow ,I didn't pick at it , at all , it just fell off like that on its own, so I just put more thieves oil on it today , and then we let purple girl out to play with her mates with out worry , so hey Bumblefoot step aside you are now history.....lol... and we've got your number....!!!!!!
wow today is day 7 , i didn't get a pic of the black bump because its gone....? fell off some were...???...lol.... but I applied the thieves oil any way ,& will have to take pics tomorrow and post it....! and boy im really sooo glad for theses findings, i hope thieves oil will be a great help to us all in keeping all our birds healthy...! and I want to say that many of you worked so hard and were sooo dedicated to healing your birds and did such a great job at healing them, im proud to know you all...!!!!! O and all of you are real top rate troopers and did what ever it took, to care for your birds....!!!!!
and what ever you had to do no matter what , & you did it well...!!!!! my hats off to you all....!!!!!!!!!!!!
TOOK PIC'S TODAY, DAY 8 & their is still a black scab like thing still on Purple girls toe, so i will continue to treat it with thieves oil to keep it from coming back...? but im sure it is really DEAD, but like that old saying goes, Better safe then sorry ...!!!! HERE is the next pic for Day 8, of purple girls toe . I guess this is the end of that story...? but i will report back if things change...?

PEACE OUT..! take care have a good one every one Dianna
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I have been battling with a HORRIBLE case of bumblefoot. After 4 months, 3 surgeries, 2 visits to the vet, multiple foot dressings, 2 weeks of antibiotics and a poor traumatized chicken who now runs at the first site of me... :(
I finally found a non-invasive cure using the donut dressing at the advice of my last vet visit to my local non-avian vet. She advised that I soak her foot twice daily alternating iodine with epson salt soaks until the black scab easily peeled away. In between soaks she advised me to take a pool noodle (smaller one) and cut it about 1/2-1 inch and place it on the bottom of the foot so that the wound pokes through the hole in the noodle and wrap with vet wrap. Before wrapping I added antibiotic ointment. After several soaks the black scab came off but I could tell there was still that hard pus inside the wound. I continued to do the soaks but less frequently and kept the bandage in place for a few days at a time. You have to change it every few days bc the material becomes compressed. After 2 weeks the wound scabbed again but this time it was a nice yellow-colored scab. I peeled it away after I softened it in an iodine soak and ALAS...along with the scab came the HUMONGOUS "kernel". She's now left with a crater in her foot but the tissue is nice, pink and healthy-looking. I will continue to soak daily, fill wound with antibiotic ointment and wrap with donut dressing until healed. I am quite sure I got everything and it will heal nicely but will keep you posted.
This has been a terrible and traumatizing experience for myself and my chicken. I thought I'd share a simpler, more humane way to solve this troubling condition.
Going to my vet today with a suspected Bumblefoot on BOTH hen's feet but the crusts are on the bottom close to the front toes and not on the balls of the feet. I've been wrapping the crusts in Triple Antibiotic Ointment to keep the crusts soft using a round makeup pad to keep the ointment against the crusts and using paper tape to secure the soft cotton makeup pads. Poor hen has been isolated in-house because I don't want her running around outside getting her feet possibly worse. So glad I read this BYC first so I can discuss treatments w/ the vet who used to work in the poultry industry too.

I am attaching a picture of both the template the vet made out of vet wrap (left) and my modified version with pipe insulator, which is lighter and more conforming (right). When I was cutting a new splint every other day, I would trim it to be certain the fit was good and would cut a little section out for that back toe so it wasn't being pushed up at an unnatural angle. The swelling between both toes showed huge improvements within the first week. A rock hard center then began to form where the hole in the splint was and continued to push its way out over the next 5 weeks. She could not put her foot down to walk without the splint because of the size and hardness of the infection as it was making its way out. However, with the splint she was fast as ever and could roost and scratch as well as the others. I never isolated her and neither she or the other chickens picked at her bandage. Initially, they all gathered around to get a look at it, and then it was forgotten. Grace was such a good patient that she would lie on my lap while on her back and allow me to change her bandage every other day - I can only imagine what she thought about the whole ordeal. I checked her foot yesterday and the skin is super soft with no scarring or swelling. The other thing that the vet recommended is that I cover all the roosts and perches with some sort of fake grass material, but I used outdoor carpeting. Lowes has cheap outdoor carpeting by the foot which can be hosed off. Apparently, they do that for the raptors at the Birds of Prey center where he volunteers. Again, I hope this helps someone whose chicken is struggling with bumblefoot. Despite repeated surgeries of removing the "bumble", I could never get a total cure - just slight improvement that would worsen again over the next month. Relieving the pressure allowed the infection to push its way out without surgery; however, it did take a considerable amount of time. By the way - Amazon has some great 1-inch generic vet wrap that is totally cheap. Link is below...........


I am attaching a picture of both the template the vet made out of vet wrap (left) and my modified version with pipe insulator, which is lighter and more conforming (right). When I was cutting a new splint every other day, I would trim it to be certain the fit was good and would cut a little section out for that back toe so it wasn't being pushed up at an unnatural angle. The swelling between both toes showed huge improvements within the first week. A rock hard center then began to form where the hole in the splint was and continued to push its way out over the next 5 weeks. She could not put her foot down to walk without the splint because of the size and hardness of the infection as it was making its way out. However, with the splint she was fast as ever and could roost and scratch as well as the others. I never isolated her and neither she or the other chickens picked at her bandage. Initially, they all gathered around to get a look at it, and then it was forgotten. Grace was such a good patient that she would lie on my lap while on her back and allow me to change her bandage every other day - I can only imagine what she thought about the whole ordeal. I checked her foot yesterday and the skin is super soft with no scarring or swelling. The other thing that the vet recommended is that I cover all the roosts and perches with some sort of fake grass material, but I used outdoor carpeting. Lowes has cheap outdoor carpeting by the foot which can be hosed off. Apparently, they do that for the raptors at the Birds of Prey center where he volunteers. Again, I hope this helps someone whose chicken is struggling with bumblefoot. Despite repeated surgeries of removing the "bumble", I could never get a total cure - just slight improvement that would worsen again over the next month. Relieving the pressure allowed the infection to push its way out without surgery; however, it did take a considerable amount of time. By the way - Amazon has some great 1-inch generic vet wrap that is totally cheap. Link is below...........


Did you then have to cut out the "kernel" or did it work its self out on it's own?
No, I won't do a surgery again, unless the soaking, salve, wrapping, triple antibiotic ointment, doughnut bandages doesn't work. Then I would go to a veterinarian.

I've read through the entire thread, so I'm feeling hopeful that the combinations of treatments described will work.

There's no splintery surfaces on the ladders. We had filed any possible rough edges on the wood.

This bird developed multiple places of bumblefoot about as soon as she was full grown. She is healthy otherwise, but she must have a genetic susceptibility.

She also eats more than anyone else, stuffing her crop until no more can fit in there. My other birds I hold don't fill their crops so much. As with people, I think if she did some fasting to cleanse her system that would help her body to heal, but that's difficult to explain to a bird.
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If it wasn't for this site, I don't know what would do.Each time I have a question about my feathered babies this is the place I turn to.I had a rooster that passed last fall.He was at our best guess between 9-10 years of age.Broke my heart.He was the coolest dude ever.Since then I have tried to have other roosters but they just haven't worked out. So,I have my three girls who I spoil rotten.I worry like a "Mother hen" when they get sick or injured.Do you have any advice that you can give me for a hen that is underweight? I am treating her for scaly leg mites and I am not sure if that has stressed her and caused weight loss. He eats good just seems to be so small.She loves to find a place in the yard where there is sunshine and take a nap.She is also laying eggs.She has always been small,but seems to me she could use some weight.If I could have them in the house like my dogs, I would...but hubby may have an issue with that LOL... Thank you!!
I pulled a tiny thorn needle out a couple hours ago. Im sure it is the cause. Im hoping this will suside with epsom soaks and antibiotic cream
That is probably what was causing it. It doesnt look bad at all. Continue to soak for a few days and he should be good to go.
Incase somebody else is reading this post with Bumblefoot and removed the plug but wants to avoid a vet bill you can order antibiotics online. Just search for the antibiotic but for other birds like pigeons. If someone needs help I can check for the link to the site I’ve used before.

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