Bumblefoot Cure

I have been battling with a HORRIBLE case of bumblefoot. After 4 months, 3 surgeries, 2 visits to the vet, multiple foot dressings, 2 weeks of antibiotics and a poor traumatized chicken who now runs at the first site of me... :(
I finally found a non-invasive cure using the donut dressing at the advice of my last vet visit to my local non-avian vet. She advised that I soak her foot twice daily alternating iodine with epson salt soaks until the black scab easily peeled away. In between soaks she advised me to take a pool noodle (smaller one) and cut it about 1/2-1 inch and place it on the bottom of the foot so that the wound pokes through the hole in the noodle and wrap with vet wrap. Before wrapping I added antibiotic ointment. After several soaks the black scab came off but I could tell there was still that hard pus inside the wound. I continued to do the soaks but less frequently and kept the bandage in place for a few days at a time. You have to change it every few days bc the material becomes compressed. After 2 weeks the wound scabbed again but this time it was a nice yellow-colored scab. I peeled it away after I softened it in an iodine soak and ALAS...along with the scab came the HUMONGOUS "kernel". She's now left with a crater in her foot but the tissue is nice, pink and healthy-looking. I will continue to soak daily, fill wound with antibiotic ointment and wrap with donut dressing until healed. I am quite sure I got everything and it will heal nicely but will keep you posted.
This has been a terrible and traumatizing experience for myself and my chicken. I thought I'd share a simpler, more humane way to solve this troubling condition.
I have a friend who owns a wildlife rescue operation. I don't know how expensive this is, but for those with vet access, it might be worth inquiring into laser treatments, because that is how she cured a case of bumblefoot in one of her raptors. it sounds expensive, but maybe not.
Would you please send pictures? I have one, possibly 2 hens with it. I soaked one hens feet today and picked a little of it off from one foot but the other foot I could not get it to come off. I put antibiotic ointment on them both and wrapped and off she went. I don't really have time to soak her feet over and over again. What you did sounds like it doesn't require the soaking but rather wrapping. Please let me know and post pictures. Thanks.

I would soak it for at least 10, maybe 15 minutes in warm water and iodine. You may have to work with it but it should peel off. Once you do that, wrap it and soak daily until it closes up again. After it closes up keep it wrapped for a few days at a time. After a few changes another scab formed so I started soaking again and was able to peel away more infection. I repeated this over again about 3 times until all of the infection came to the surface and I was able to see the last bit of it was gone. I kept wrapping the foot until it closed up again so it wouldn't get reinfected. I can't post pics now but I know some other threads have photos of the dressing procedure.

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