Bumblefoot-end stage healing

Kathy Golla

Jan 2, 2017
San Francisco Bay Area
I have a BO that has bumblefoot on both feet. Both feet luckily were not bad and we are currently in the healing process waiting for the hole the scab/small core was in to heal completely up.
I have a question about the healing process. I'll talk about the foot that was treated first. It wasn't a significant hole that needed to fill in. I have been treating/wrapping the foot about twice a week. Using silver gel.
Is there any insight anyone has about those last few weeks of healing? Is there anything else I can do to speed the process along?

This foot is about at the 4 1/2 week mark since I took the scab off. Today it looked like the part where the scab was is almost healed but had a few little parts of granulating tissue that looked like it might be tender if she didn't have a bandage on.

Sorry I didn't take pictures, I am always in a bit of a hurry with the bandaging as she doesn't like to be on her back.

@Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock

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