bumblefoot, help please

thanks for your replies nettie and fancbrd4me02.
is there any other way i can treat the run? theres no way i can move it, and its only been standing for not even a year. there is no longer grass in it, but it is dirt, not poop. its not like i dont clean it, i rake it out weekly. how does sand help? thanks for the replies and i do have some sand around, but dont know if i have enough for the whole run 6-10 inches deep.
i do have netties duck shoes also
but hes a smartie-pants and somehow gets them off easily when they become wet from the wet weather!

nettie, you combine all those three together in a dish and apply it directly to the bumbles? and do you put bandages too? this is terrible im not a bad duck mom
but i sure feel like one. these things came on sooo fast and out of no where, i thought piper was better till one day he kept laying alot, now they all have a little.

can anyone tell me if any of those are just normal caluses? or am i ridden with bumbles? and does pipers look like bumblefoot too? i cant tell it doesnt have the characteristics that ive read so much about. thanks everyone
The DMSO with antibiotic does work great. I would work really work hard on getting it healed up. I let one of my ducks go too long, and ended up with it not walking. The vet did surgery, and she is in isolation at home now and I have to let her swim three times a day.... she is slowly recovering.
Her surgery has healed up, but her foot remains swollen and she is getting a little better each day, but I think it may be a long time before she will be cured. If you get it before it gets to that point you will be able to fix it much quicker.
thanks for the help everyone, i picked up some electrolytes and antibiotics for their water, im going to take piper to the vet asap to get some DMSO baytril and meloxicam.
can anyone tell me if pipers feet are bumblefoot? thanks
thanks duck duck guinea, i picked up some vitamin mix too. and now have scraped clean the layer of dirt on thier run, and added a good 5 inches of play sand around the water dish to help it filter away better and not cause a muddy poopy mess.

can anyone tell me if any of those "spots" on my ducks pictures are normal caluses and not bumble? thanks.. ive heard that they get caluses too that are "healthy" and then bumble which is not (obviously) healthy...
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