Bumblefoot surgery over - now questions?


Keepin' the sunny side up
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Shenandoah Valley, VA
My big roo, Duke, has bumble foot. I removed the scab this morning. I was expecting a "plug" to be a pretty solid piece, but what I found was something that came out in what I can only call strands. I put the tweezers in the scab hole and then would tug them out - they were pretty firm and firmly in there. I dug around and got as much as I found out, in the end it was only coming back out with blood. I packed it with bacitracin and wrapped the foot.

I'm concerned that I may not have gotten it all. Because it wasn't a solid piece, I really have no way of knowing. I know I got all I could find, but.....

I think I would feel better that the infection is being treated if I could inject some Pen-G and follow up with Baytril - but I can not find how much to inject him with. I don't know how many CCs to give a 9 pound chicken. I posted yesterday asking, and didn't get a response.

Can anyone tell me the formula for figuring out how many CCs of Pen-G and Baytril I need to inject him with? And do you inject the Baytril as well? It almost sounded like a syringe was used but without the needle to get the Baytril down his throat? Clarification on that and the amount would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thanks in advance - and thank goodness for BYC! I would have had NO idea what I was dealing with, let alone HOW to deal with it without the wonderful posts the BYC members have put up on this subject!

With bumblefoot we dealt with it came out in chunks and we did it several times to be sure it was out. We did not use pen G or Baytril so I can't help you with that. Just neosporin with out pain killer and blue kote. Good luck. Hope someone who knows more responds soon.
Thank you for responding, froggie71. I kind of thought I would have to do this another time or two.

Did you do it again every day? If so, for how many days did you continue to find "stuff"? I know I just need to do it until I stop finding "stuff", but would like to have an idea of what I have to *ahem* look forward to. I'm not sure who hates this worse - Duke or me!

It was for 2 days that we got "stuff" out. We twice a day soaked in epsom salt, did the neosporin, blue kote, wrapped in guaze and tape a soak over it. 3 or 4 days of this and she scabbed over nicely. She is now back out with the others and we are keeping a close eye on it.
Soaking is a big part of getting everything out. The warm water and salt helps to get things 'moving' I guess.
Thank you! I appreciate the info. I will set my mind to having to do this a few more times. He seems just fine this afternoon. I am going to change the bandage tonight again, just to check things and get more cream on it. I'll plan on "going back in" in the morning.
I just dealt with this and I too was afraid I hadn't gotten it all out. I must have because she's walking fine and swelling is all gone. My hen didn't have what I would call a plug either just a bunch of swishy puss.
Just an update and some info.

Duke's foot seems to be healing - the swelling is going down and now localized to the pad of the foot vs. between toes and up leg. I've opened it 3 times, but can not find any more pus. I'm *hoping* I got it all and he'll heal. I'm changing bandage/wrapping each day and keeping antibiotic cream on it.

If it does not heal, I'm thinking Pen-G injections are the next course of treatment. I've had a heck of a time finding the dosage for a chicken - but I finally located a couple of posts on different sites that say "The dosage for birds for Pen G Procaine is 30 000 IU/kg, so if your bottle is 300 000 IU/ml, and your hen weighs 2 kg, she would need 0.2 ml, once per day." So I guess I'll go with that.

To convert pounds to kilograms, multiply the pounds by .045.

The conversion for ml to cc is 1 to 1. so .2 ml = .2 cc.

So a 9 pound chicken is 4.05kg 9 X .45 = 4.05 Kg

I still have no idea how how they figured that .2 cc is the correct dosage, but based on the fact that my roo is basically twice the size as the one used in the example, I'm thinking that .4 cc is roughly the correct dosage. It's a little frustrating not being able to find an exact formula because I KNOW there's got to be one!

Most posts I've found on recommended length of administering the antibiotic is 7 days.

If anyone knows a more accurate way to calculate the correct pen-g dosage, please let me know.



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