bumblefoot treated, now there's limping...

lissalischicks, how big did your girl get? That's a good idea- think I'll do that too keeping the cushion under the pad for a while...maybe just needs time.
I am certainly no feed expert...maybe someone will weigh in about your feed. Could it be grower feed is too high calorie?

I have read that having layer chickens on a Flock Raiser is not good for them, but that doesnt sound like your situation (?) I've also read that having roosters on layer feed is not good for them long term, which definitely doesnt sound like your situation.

This post below is a bit histrionic, but posts like these are all over the internet (select Not Now at the bottom when FB asks you to sign in to see the post).


There are certain feeds that are meant for meat birds to put weight on quickly.
One of the causes of bumblefoot is roosts that are too high for a heavy bird, and even with petites, I discovered the hard way that not enough cushioning underneath can bruise tender feet. I had four out of five Welsummer pullets get bumblefoot because their perch was too high, and they were coming down onto a poop board underneath. Talk about guilt.
Hi @azygous
Im so glad you mentioned this. It is top of mind for me...Im having the exact same problem. My two larger hens all have bumble foot I suspect from the roost height. Only the larger hens. The roost is only 22 inches from the floor but they dismount onto sand. I have DLM in the run. Im taking the roost down to 18 inches this weekend. Im also thinking about just putting an old towel down over the sand for them to land on. They only use the coop for the nest boxes and roosting at night.
my girls dig a lot when they are outside. Around the time they got bumblefoot she had a huge woodpile we spread out for them to eat the bugs. I think 2 of them got injured that way. Then my girl stopped walking around and digging I think due to the pain. The girls would run and dig and she would just sit. Once we got her treated she started walking. Before the injury she was a very active chickens so I am hoping it was due to that. At least that's what I think happened.... :idunno
I have one hen that we've been treating for almost four months. Both feet. Two surgeries. On one foot the scab finally fell off so I'm going to try a pair of those birdy booties. I hope they fit. If only to give me a break while I try to take some prevention measures!
I have one hen that we've been treating for almost four months. Both feet. Two surgeries. On one foot the scab finally fell off so I'm going to try a pair of those birdy booties. I hope they fit. If only to give me a break while I try to take some prevention measures!
Birdy booties? Will have to check that out!
Thank you for all of your input...I really do appreciate it! I'm sure his larger frame/weight is the cause of the bumblefoot...he's not light on his feet & he does have a strong "kick back" when he scratches, probably injured the skin initially from that? In the last few weeks maybe once a day I'll hear a slight clicking when he walks. I think this is from limping on 1 leg & favoring the other that it's stressing maybe hip joint? muscle?

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