Bumblefoot Vet Treatment Cost


Feb 10, 2017
Central Florida
Has anyone used a veterinarian to treat a case of Bumblefoot? I just took in an older chicken, and she has what seems to be a classic case of swelling with a dark spot in the middle. Don't know how long she has had this, but most likely just a week. We have a chicken vet in our very agricultural area here, and would use him for this if we can afford it. She is an older Wyandotte, about 5-7 years old, in otherwise good health.
I've seen a thread to treat it yourself on this site. Never dealt with it myself but saw a vet treat a duck on tv...Basically have some one hold the chicken firmly, pull off the scab, drain or push out pus, clean, antibiotics then wrap and keep them in a small cage to heal a few days...I'm not an expert, but that's what I would try. I have also read that if they are not limping or hampered it could clear on its own, vets are pricey! Good luck
Has anyone used a veterinarian to treat a case of Bumblefoot? I just took in an older chicken, and she has what seems to be a classic case of swelling with a dark spot in the middle. Don't know how long she has had this, but most likely just a week. We have a chicken vet in our very agricultural area here, and would use him for this if we can afford it. She is an older Wyandotte, about 5-7 years old, in otherwise good health.

Hi @papajoesfarm :frow Welcome To BYC

Costs vary so greatly, there is no way to know how much bumblefoot treatment would be. The only way to know would be to call the vet you have in mind and make an inquiry.

If you like, post some photos of her foot, we will be glad to take a look. Depending on how severe the Bumblefoot is, home treatment may be an option for you.

Invasive procedure - cutting out the core:

Soaking 2x a day in Tricide Neo
Thank you naf_appaz and Wyorp Rock! I made some inquiries and - yikes - $320 was the lowest cost. With no guarantee of success. I have read accounts of vets doing the surgery, and then the unfortunate chicken dying from the shock.

You know, I'm old enough to remember when the vet would come out and treat your animals at your farm, just as the family doctor would come and treat us when we were sick. And Dad would pay the fee out of his pocket without taking out a bank loan. Kind of says something about all of our progress, doesn't it?

My newest hen is improving after 3 days of regular feed and Rooster Booster in her water. She was never fed anything but bird seed and whatever she could scavenge from the neighborhood, then drinking water from air conditioner drain pipes, until we got ahold of her. I cleaned her toe up yesterday, then used betadine on the infection. I'll start her on Tricide Neo this week, my wife keeps Koi and knows about, but we never realized it can be used on chickens.

Again, thank you for your help!
Glad to hear you are helping her out.
Did you get most of the pus out or her foot?
Thank you naf_appaz and Wyorp Rock! I made some inquiries and - yikes - $320 was the lowest cost. With no guarantee of success. I have read accounts of vets doing the surgery, and then the unfortunate chicken dying from the shock.

You know, I'm old enough to remember when the vet would come out and treat your animals at your farm, just as the family doctor would come and treat us when we were sick. And Dad would pay the fee out of his pocket without taking out a bank loan. Kind of says something about all of our progress, doesn't it?

My newest hen is improving after 3 days of regular feed and Rooster Booster in her water. She was never fed anything but bird seed and whatever she could scavenge from the neighborhood, then drinking water from air conditioner drain pipes, until we got ahold of her. I cleaned her toe up yesterday, then used betadine on the infection. I'll start her on Tricide Neo this week, my wife keeps Koi and knows about, but we never realized it can be used on chickens.

Again, thank you for your help!

Yikes at $320 is right!

Hopefully the Tricide Neo will work for her, if you need further instructions let us know.
Sounds like you are on track with improving her nutrition as well:)
I hope she continue to improve, keep us posted.
I have wanted to give an update on how my patient did with the treatment, but Hurricane Irma and the Holidays sort of got in the way. Due to Irma we lost power for a week, but all of our flock, outbuildings, and family survived. Checky recovered completely after two weeks of treatment. The Tricide Neo really worked, and I would recommend it to anyone. The hardest part of the treatment was getting the patient to stay in the foot bath, she is a typical Wyandotte and doesn't like to be handled. I went out in the evening with my wife and we bribed her to stay put with fresh Kale. All of her lesions shrunk, the black spots hardened, then fell off. Her feet show no evidence of ever being infected. She has gone back to being her regular bossy, chatty, mischevous self. Something else to note is that I keep her, as do all of my chickens, on a regular diet of Rooster Booster in their water, along with premium Purina chicken feed, and fresh Kale from our crops along with unlimited live black fly maggots from the compost bins for treats. They have limited free range inside a fenced in chicken yard during the day, then sleep inside secure coops at night. I suspect her change to a good diet with supplements complimented the action of the Tricide in curing the Bumblefoot. See the photo of the patient for proof!

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