
Aug 19, 2020
This morning I noticed an abscess on my light brahma’s foot, and I was wondering if it’s bumblefoot?? She didn’t show signs of pain or limping and when I pressed lightly on it she didn’t seem to be bothered by it.
I also didn’t see the “plug” that abscesses due bumblefoot have, it’s just a firm pink bump. It’s also more on the side of her middle toe rather than on the pad on the bottom of her foot, where bumblefoot usually is.
I’ll attach a picture below, any thoughts or advice would be appreciated!!
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How "firm" is the lump? Is it rock hard with no give? Or is it medium hard like an unripe plum? If it's the former, it may be a tumor. The latter could be a cyst. It will probably require lancing and seeing if anything can be squeezed from it, something that is required if it's indeed bumblefoot.
Ok. It’s more medium hard like an unripe plum. If it does turn out to be a cyst would you recommend lancing it like you said and seeing if anything’s able to be squeezed out?
thank you for your help!!
What I would do is hold a hot compress on it for five minutes and then take a sterile blade and make an incision at the base about quarter of an inch wide and exert pressure and try to push any pus out. If no pus comes out, it's a cyst. If it bleeds, it's likely a tumor. If waxy pus comes out, keep expressing until it all comes out. Then disinfect with Betadine or other wound wash.
What I would do is hold a hot compress on it for five minutes and then take a sterile blade and make an incision at the base about quarter of an inch wide and exert pressure and try to push any pus out. If no pus comes out, it's a cyst. If it bleeds, it's likely a tumor. If waxy pus comes out, keep expressing until it all comes out. Then disinfect with Betadine or other wound wash.
Thank you so much!! If it does turn out to be a tumor or cyst should I just leave it and wrap it up? Also any tips on keeping my girl calm/comfortable throughout the process?
A tumor or cyst should only attempted to be removed by a vet. No need to wrap it after the small incision but do keep Neosporin or such on it until the incision closes up.

If you wrap the chicken snugly in a towel to confine wings, and pull part of the towel over her head so she can't see, she will remain calm and unaffected. The incision will not cause any significant pain, I can assure you.
A tumor or cyst should only attempted to be removed by a vet. No need to wrap it after the small incision but do keep Neosporin or such on it until the incision closes up.

If you wrap the chicken snugly in a towel to confine wings, and pull part of the towel over her head so she can't see, she will remain calm and unaffected. The incision will not cause any significant pain, I can assure you.
Alright that is good to know. Thank you so much!! 🙏 :)
Just an update- I was inspecting the bump and noticed there was a hole on it, in a crease between her toe and the bump on the bottom side of her foot. What was weird was that the hole wasn’t a cut or scrape, just a hole. No blood at all.
Inside there was dirt, mud, and poop. I carefully extracted all of it with tweezers and irrigated it. It was almost like a balloon… once I did that, the bump was smaller and noticeably “deflated”. I dried it, put triple antibiotic ointment on it, covered it with a gauze pad, and wrapped it with medical tape. The hen is doing well, walking around, eating, drinking…I’ll check and redress the wound soon.
So I don’t think it’s bumblefoot…any clues?
A hole in a blister type lesion can mean it's from an insect bite. It can also mean it's granulation of tissue as it grows inward toward the center of a wound. The last to close up with new tissue is the center and it will resemble a volcano.

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