Bunnies! Pictures, and a rant.


12 Years
Aug 11, 2007
Hello, everyone, It feels like forever since I have posted on here. Its weird how life gets so busy sometimes you almost forget the things you use to do every day. Anyway, I am back and hopefully will stay back!
That said I wanted to share a few pictures of my bunnies!

Sadly I am having to drastically reduce my numbers( which as a new show/breeder sucks!). We found out shortly after christmas that the farm we have rented for the last 12 years was sold, our new landlords stood on our doorstep, with the message that they had till June to tear the house down or fix the septic system and they didn't plan to fix it.
Major Sad face!
So the search for a new place began, I kept putting off the inevetable, I hoped we could somehow afford a farm with an outbuilding that would mean no downsizing of the rabbits. Sadly this is not the case. We have been pre-approved for a loan for $55,000. That doesn't buy you a farm around here. Surely not a farm with outbuildings. Its looking more and more likely we will be moving into town. No more ducks or chickens at all. Our big black lab Apollo will likely have to find a new home as I am not sure he will adapt to town life. And I have to cut back to maybe 10-12 rabbits. That may seem like a lot to you, but to me it means selling one whole breed of rabbits ( satins). And cutting back to the bear minimum of breeding animals in Mini lops and Mini Rex. It means not having to room to hold jr's long enough to really see who has the most potential, and it means letting go of some of my favorite rabbits, because.... well if I am going to keep showing/breeding I will need my limited cage space for the best I have, not the cutest, or friendliest. Anyway Thats my rant, thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy the pictures of them while I still have them.
What cute bunnies! I only have one and it would make me sad to have to get rid of it so I can not imagine how you must feel having to get rid of so many. {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} I am also sorry you are losing your farm :( Best of luck to you. Sounds like it is going to be stressful.
Maybe you could find another farm or rural property to rent. I would keep looking. Hopefully the perfect place will pop up. You might even be able to just rent a space to keep your rabbits.

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