bunny eating hydrangeas


Dec 5, 2021
Hey since it is nice out i have been letting my bunny play in the duck pen to run around and I have two hydrangeas bushes in there and i saw him nibbling on a part of the bud growing. I do not know if they are safe for him so i put him back in his cage. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was okay i read some cites that said hydrangeas are dangerous for bunnies but others saying that it is fine. I will try to keep him away from eating them but I can guarantee that he wont steal a leaf.
As far as I know they are toxic for bunnies indeed. When eating huge amounts they can get diarrhea and/or problems with their circulation. However I don't know what a huge amount is.
I guess it's not one bud or leaf.

However I'm not a veterinarian or something like this
thank you i put a fence around it to help reduce the space for him to get to it

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