Bunny treats


Dec 5, 2021
I am a first time bunny owner and I was wondering what veggies is good for him to eat everyday? I have romaine lettuce and i give him a (small) carrot every other day. I want to have more variety that good for him but not sure what he could eat everyday. any ideas will help.
Most vegetables are good for rabbits. Celery, bok choy, cucumber, romaine lettuce, brussels sprouts, zucchini, arugula, kale, spinach and and carrot tops are just a few good treats you can feed daily. You should feed fruits only a few times a week as they are higher in sugars. Good fruit options are berries, bananas, grapes, and watermelon. You can also give your rabbit red clover and dandelion greens (pesticide-free). Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems so offer new foods slowly. You may find he likes certain foods over others. Make sure you are only feeding 1-2 tablespoons of treats daily. Their are many other good fruits and vegetables you can give your bunny. Do your research on what if safe and what isn't. Never feed anything with dairy in it or meat in it.
I am a first time bunny owner and I was wondering what veggies is good for him to eat everyday? I have romaine lettuce and i give him a (small) carrot every other day. I want to have more variety that good for him but not sure what he could eat everyday. any ideas will help.
whenever im peeling a carrot i give my bunny the peels. she loves them, they're easy for her to eat, and this way nothing gets wasted!
I am a first time bunny owner and I was wondering what veggies is good for him to eat everyday? I have romaine lettuce and i give him a (small) carrot every other day. I want to have more variety that good for him but not sure what he could eat everyday. any ideas will help.
i have one bunny, kaytee, she is 5(i think... its very hard to keep track) i love her to death! she is my itty bitty super soft cuddly bestie. bunnie are the greatest! bst of luck with yours! btw, whats its name??
I am a first time bunny owner and I was wondering what veggies is good for him to eat everyday? I have romaine lettuce and i give him a (small) carrot every other day. I want to have more variety that good for him but not sure what he could eat everyday. any ideas will help.
Not a vegetable but my bunnies love strawberries and apples.
his name is cedar not even sure what type of bunny he is but i got him a month ago and hes super active. I was nervous because i did read that they have sensitive digestive tracks he does like bananas and i give him very little time to time he loves carrots but I make sure he only gets smalls ones. he is so hyper having trouble to get him to learn his name. I will have to put some of the veggies on my list and see if he likes them he acts like hes hungry all the time, but i assume thats a bunny thing.
right now hes inside because hes so tiny only three pounds and its still cold outside but eventually in the summer he will be outdoors majority of the time.


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his name is cedar not even sure what type of bunny he is but i got him a month ago and hes super active. I was nervous because i did read that they have sensitive digestive tracks he does like bananas and i give him very little time to time he loves carrots but I make sure he only gets smalls ones. he is so hyper having trouble to get him to learn his name. I will have to put some of the veggies on my list and see if he likes them he acts like hes hungry all the time, but i assume thats a bunny thing.
cedar is such a cute name. he will probably calm down after a while, and is just getting used to his new home. i honestly don't even know if my sweet little dwarf bunny(whom I've had for like 5 years) knows his name. LOL. don't worry about him thoough. Just be patient with him and slowly he'll become more and more comfortable with you.

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