Button quail / Aquarium


6 Years
Sep 10, 2017
Hello everyone. My buttons are 6 weeks old. I had this old 30 gallon Aquarium tank in my shed. I cleaned it out and put shavings, waterer, feed bowl, little log hut, dust bath box and a stuffed animal in it.

I saw lots of youtubers with their buttons in Aquariums. All of them said that it worked out great. But idk if mine like it... One of my males is fine and dandy. He sits on his favorite stuffed animal, eats, drinks, seems moderately happy...

my other male seems miserable.... He is continuously doing that mating call. and he keeps running back n fourth along the glass.

My female silver seems horrible..... She doesn't seem that interested in eating / drinking and I opened the top part to sprinkle some food on the log that they stand on... She immediately flew up and was flying around my room for a minute er so.. She also hit her head on my ceiling.... Im kinda concerned about that. Should I clip her wings??

My suspected white tuxedo female seems content.. I've seen it eat / drink. and it snuggles up to my blue-faced male who is content with the aquarium.

What should I do with my male / female that are freaking out????
Maybe try some fake or real plants at the front (perhaps to each side) to make them feel like they can hide. Grasses or ferns are bird safe (just look up what's safe to put in an aviary). Or maybe try a blanket over one end to give them a safe place to hide out.

I'm not sure clipping their wings would be much of a handicap as they are so little and light. They are tough little birds so hopefully your girl will be just fine. It took mine a couple of weeks to be calmer in their new cage so I'd just try giving them some cover and see how they go. Some are naturally more adaptable than others.
I did the blanket idea. That actually worked. All of them are much calmer. My male still likes to call out for a female. Should I put him separate with my silver female??
Whoa! Idk what just happened! My male was sitting on the log i put in and he started crowing... But for the first time the silver female called back... Hes been silent for a while now! So is he trying to mate with her?
Hello everyone. My buttons are 6 weeks old. I had this old 30 gallon Aquarium tank in my shed. I cleaned it out and put shavings, waterer, feed bowl, little log hut, dust bath box and a stuffed animal in it.

I saw lots of youtubers with their buttons in Aquariums. All of them said that it worked out great. But idk if mine like it... One of my males is fine and dandy. He sits on his favorite stuffed animal, eats, drinks, seems moderately happy...

my other male seems miserable.... He is continuously doing that mating call. and he keeps running back n fourth along the glass.

My female silver seems horrible..... She doesn't seem that interested in eating / drinking and I opened the top part to sprinkle some food on the log that they stand on... She immediately flew up and was flying around my room for a minute er so.. She also hit her head on my ceiling.... Im kinda concerned about that. Should I clip her wings??

My suspected white tuxedo female seems content.. I've seen it eat / drink. and it snuggles up to my blue-faced male who is content with the aquarium.

What should I do with my male / female that are freaking out????
So I’m a few years late, But if you’re still keeping them in tanks get them into appropriate cages ASAP!! Birds cannot comprehend glass so they are constantly psychologically stressed because of it. The lack of appropriate airflow results in the birds breathing in dust and particles. They have sensitive lungs and this will contribute to an early death as well as other potential health issues, most of which will not be visibly noticeable until it’s too late. It also stresses them when you come in from above as this is where Hawks and Falcons would attack from in the wild. Tanks are simply not appropriate for birds.

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