Button Quail Color


9 Years
Jun 2, 2011
Lebanon Ohio
Im slightly confused on this color, I haven't been able to match it to any pictures that I've seen. And if you can tell from the coloring, is it male or female?

Its the one in the back.

And the ones on the end.

I know you cant tell on the silver and whites, but can you tell on the dark ones by coloring if male or female?

This isn't how many I will have in this cage section, I just moved them in from the cardboard brooder box, so they will be separated, just have them together for warmth, and for supporting each other through this cage change.
Hello.Dlya to determine the sex of Pharaoh quail or Manchurian, you need to look breast .EE not seen in the photo.
Well, I can see they are clearly button quail. Your birds look to all be females with the brown feathers. They are red breastfed hens, but since they are still young red tail feathers could appear at around 4 weeks and then you will get your answer.

Great pictures! I just love Button Quail!;)
Well, I can see they are clearly button quail. Your birds look to all be females with the brown feathers. They are red breastfed hens, but since they are still young red tail feathers could appear at around 4 weeks and then you will get your answer.

Great pictures! I just love Button Quail!

So since these guys are 5 weeks, they should be female since they dont have brick red or blue anywhere. Great thanks for helping. Now to figure out the silver and whites.

Well being red breast female is kind of surprising, they dont look like what ive seen on color identification sites, plus they were dark as chicks, and i think red breasted are light chicks, but oh well, doesnt really matter they are cute anyways. Just looked some more up, and there are some darker ones like mine, so thanks again.
Yes, then they are females. Red breasted females can come in many different shades. From white spots to brown spots. The dark brown females are from the wild type, blue breasted button quails. The silvers are harder to sex, the males have a distinct white bib, while most females appear to have a washed out white bib. With the whites you just have to wait to see if they crow or lay an egg!

I am glad that I could help! ;)
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