Button Quail Flying/Crashing in the Night?


Apr 5, 2021
Hi all,

My pair of button quail live with my Coturnix hens currently, and get along like peas in a pod. I often see the buttons snuggling with the other hens, so they’re coexisting well, and I know there is no fighting occuring between them.

In the day all is fine... but at night, it’s a different story.
My quail all pretty much go to sleep by 9pm, although I close curtains earlier (pesky short summer nights), and they’re really good at camping out for the evening, yet every single night, one of the buttons will sporadically take flight in the cage at random and crash into the bars (multiple times).

I know for a fact my Coturnix aren’t bullying them in the dark. Whenever I get up to check on them, they’re always laid down and looking just as fed up with the noise waking them as I am. It’s only ever the buttons who are awake and roaming the cage in the dark.

Are Chinese painted quails nocturnal or something? They never fly in their cage in the day, only when they’re let out of the cage. So why at night do they suddenly get the urge? Are they having night terrors? I’ve had parrots that would leap off their perch in the night and crash land after a bad dream. Is the male button possibly trying to get frisky only at night time and spooking the hen into flight? I don’t ever see him try to mate in the day so I’m not sure.

I just worry I’m gonna wake up to find one injured or worse if they keep hitting the bars so hard. Even now as I lay in bed typing this I can hear the buttons cheeping and climbing on everything, why are they so hyper at night??
I haven't had this happen personally, but I've heard quite a few people say to give them a night light.
Ditto this. Some birds can get something like "night terrors" and wake up and become alarmed by the dark. Simple remedy is a night light or some light left on in another part of the home that can add some light to the area.
Hi all,

My pair of button quail live with my Coturnix hens currently, and get along like peas in a pod. I often see the buttons snuggling with the other hens, so they’re coexisting well, and I know there is no fighting occuring between them.

In the day all is fine... but at night, it’s a different story.
My quail all pretty much go to sleep by 9pm, although I close curtains earlier (pesky short summer nights), and they’re really good at camping out for the evening, yet every single night, one of the buttons will sporadically take flight in the cage at random and crash into the bars (multiple times).

I know for a fact my Coturnix aren’t bullying them in the dark. Whenever I get up to check on them, they’re always laid down and looking just as fed up with the noise waking them as I am. It’s only ever the buttons who are awake and roaming the cage in the dark.

Are Chinese painted quails nocturnal or something? They never fly in their cage in the day, only when they’re let out of the cage. So why at night do they suddenly get the urge? Are they having night terrors? I’ve had parrots that would leap off their perch in the night and crash land after a bad dream. Is the male button possibly trying to get frisky only at night time and spooking the hen into flight? I don’t ever see him try to mate in the day so I’m not sure.

I just worry I’m gonna wake up to find one injured or worse if they keep hitting the bars so hard. Even now as I lay in bed typing this I can hear the buttons cheeping and climbing on everything, why are they so hyper at night??
This sounds like a case of night fright, if budgerigars are anything to go by. With budgies, you talk gently to them to calm them down. But sounds as if you might have to separate the buttons from the coturnix at night, for the sake of the others' sleep! It would be a start. Then try some soft netting round areas where the buttons are likely to crash.
I'm not sure if CPQ are like budgies in this instance, but covering their cage at night may help. Worth a try.
Hello, I had a night cover on my budgies' cage every time this happened, so I don't think a cover would work for quail either.

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