Button quails hatched and raised naturally


6 Years
Apr 30, 2015
I thought id share!

Lady Quail (Female quail) has been broody for a couple months but she would abandon the nest after about a week. This last one she stayed and stayed and then a couple of days I noticed the eggs had hatched!
Lady Quail is brown and Quail Man is white

I believe they hatched on Tuesday 4/28/15.

I will post more pictures and updates as time goes on. I must warn you that I am not intervening besides putting food and water in the outdoor aviary. The chicks can fit through the cage wire although i hope for not much longer as they get bigger. Its been in the 50 F at night and today/tonight will be the coldest it'll get for a while. It should be back in the 90's F by next week.

So far the parents have been great! Lady Quail finds them little worms and shows it to the chicks and they eat the worms right up. Also Quail Man has been a little broody as well and lets a chick or two under his feathers to keep them warm. Ill try to get video/pictures. Its all really cute.
Congratulations! I think I see 8 in that photo! Nice mom and pop too. They must be happy and healthy.

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