buttons broke a soft egg inside and is bleeding tonight

you can make your own saline by boiling a 1/2 tsp salt in a half gallon of water (rolling boil) for five minutes.
If you can get some dextrose (plain not flavored if you are buying the "candy" squares"), adding a square of that to the saline left after the initial flush will help the inflamation.
ETA: you can not keep this homemade saline for longer than 24 hours>make fresh daily and use at room temp (not cold)
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Great news. She had a clean perfect egg.

No blood, no discharge so so far so good. Thanks for the saline recipe. I bought some ebson salts and now I know how the make it, I have it in the ready.

The only negative is my daughter will miss watching cartoons in the morning with her (BTW buttons likes barnyard)

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