** BUY IT NOW ** 12+ COCHIN BANTAM hatching eggs from 15 VARIETIES ** NPIP **

Roslyn - I am wondering if I could do a pre-order for eggs to ship the first week of April, or if I contact you the week before (end of March) - do you think you may have enough eggs for a shipment? I am not sure how you manage orders or if you routinely sell out, but I definitely want some eggs from your beautiful birds! Thanks!
We just lost our bantam partridge cochin roo to my husband's STUPID DOG! We only had him a week!!! Anyway, I've recently started hatching, and am hoping my first batch will hatch on 3/1/13. If that batch hatches okay, I'll be in touch to order some eggs, for sure :)

Oh, and PS, we found a new home for the dog

Here's a link to my blog, in case any one's interested: http://homesteadingtransformation.blogspot.com/
I hope everything is ok....I have sent a couple of PMs through here and regular email, and have heard nothing back. I will be ready for eggs this coming week....but I have no idea how to order them from here...
can you please get back with me and let me know what I need to do? Which addy do I use to send payment to, etc....

thank you!
Hi there! Hope I can help. Roslyns can be found on ebay by searching fior babtam cochin hatching eggs. Hers are always the ones pictured in a green frame with a clover. You will be able to see an ipdated list of what she has in her pens thete under description once you find a listing.

Try this also...

TO ORDER PLEASE EMAIL    ME [email protected]  
Thank you!! I have sent a couple of e-mails to her listed email address with no response. I was going to try and purchase them through BYC because she has them listed cheaper here. I guess I will wait for a response...I had a couple of questions for her also which were sent along with the emails...

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