** BUY IT NOW ** 12+ COCHIN BANTAM hatching eggs from 15 VARIETIES ** NPIP **

Thank you all for buying from us and we do hope you love the little ones as much as we do. The cochins have such personalities and always can brighten even my worst days. I just love sharing them with others and hope to brighten their days as well. God Bless to you all.

Hi Roslyn!

Not sure if you remember me but I bought eggs from you last year and had a great hatch! Unfortunately I had to sell them all due to a move and I am now ready to start over.
I will give $25.

I am not sure how this new system works so let me know if what I need to do next.

Thank you,

I just saw this Tony and sent you a PM. Not sure if I already got in touch with you or not. My Fibromyalgia makes me so forgetful. Thank you and God Bless,
You can see some of these sweet little babies here...
I hatched these from the incredibly lovely Mrs. Pickens on Wednesday last week.
I also hatched some last June.

Thank you and I just love going to look at your new babies. A teacher in CA also has a cam on her incubator and I got to see 2 batches of my eggs hatch. The kids raising them are agri kids and they are just loving them. I have some photos of them on my FB page. I am so glad everyone is enjoying them as much as I do. I have some pipping in the hatcher right now. YIPPEEE! Thank you all for buying from me and God Bless!
My chicks from my last batch from you are growing fast and oh my gosh are they gorgeous!! I'm lucky enough to have 2 mille fleur pullets and 1 cockeral as well as a barred cockeral who is simply stunning, a columbian pullet and a buff columbian pullet. Hmm....I must be missing someone becuase I have 7 total.... lol. I think of it sooner or later. I'll try to get some pictures for you.

Every time I have someone over to buy chickens from me they always ask about these chicks and want to buy them and I make sure to let them know reallllllll quick that those are 100% off limits. lol.

I plan on buying more eggs from you as soon as I sell some of my other breeds and have an empty incubator.

I'll try to post pictures tomorrow if I can. :-D
Your birds are gorgeous. I would like to order a dozen eggs from you but can I order in 2 weeks so that I will have space in my incubator? Would they still be available then?
KDailey what color is your first pullet? I hatched 7 chicks out last week and can't wait to see how they all feather out (and how many boys I got!). Yours are beautiful! I had 2 from the blue calico project pen hatch out -one yellow and one black- and I'm wondering if anyone else has hatched any of these out... thinking about starting a thread so we can keep track of the different colors that come out of that pen.

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