Buy it Now - Sapphire Hatching Eggs 12+

SHE STARTED LAYING! I got my first egg and it was HUGE and she is not even 20 weeks old yet!

Remember she was sired by my EE rooster and I don't know what color egg genes he came with.
These Ameraucana Roos should give much bluer eggs
The Shaffer Pullet lays a very pretty blue egg.

This is with a flash, that is with my White Leghorn, my Lavender Split Ameraucan and that HUGE egg is from this cross. I candled it and I didn't see a double yolk. It is a little greener than the Splits egg, a very pretty mint green

This is without a flash.

That's great to finally see one of these eggs! I have chicks from the Lav Ameraucana/Leghorn cross though, not the EE cross, and actually one of the chicks looks to be a pale lavender & the rest yellow/white w/ black specks.
This weeks eggs are still available if any one is interested just PM me. I can ship them on Tuesday.
I have not had another green egg, but I did find 2 blue eggs today, I have a lavender split pullet that is laying, but the only others near laying are these crosses

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