Buying TSC Chicks Monday!!! Questions to ask and what to look for.

I know that everyone says to not wait but I like to.The only reason for me being that getting them on the day they come in there seems to be a higher rate of mortality than getting one that been there at least a week. Look for nice active chicks,those are the ones you want.
I have some EE/Orpington mix babies. I also have some straight Orpingtons. The ones with EE in them are LOUD so I don't think it's the Orpington in them! Are your EEs loud? I don't mean all the time, just when you pick them up or if they are scared. They have a crazy loud peep! And they are the only ones.
So far, not at ALL! But they are only 5ish days old
I actually keep checking on them to see if they are still alive, they are so quiet. Last year I got 14 Partridge Rocks and they were LOUD! The new EEs are awake, healthy, and playing but very very quiet and not skittish at all, they are always exploring and don't even cheep when I reach in and pick them up. Now the BOs on the other, but they are a week older and didn't get handled that first week.
does anyone know how often they get Silkies in? We just had a store open where i live finally!!! Its really hard to get silkies around here, and it seems like maybe they get them more often? I also saw you can special order them, but I need to find someone who would want half, i cant have 25 chicks running around...
well my store gets some more in tomorrow...the will be in the assorted bantam bin if you know what you are looking for they are super easy to pick out of the rest....just call your local store and ask when they are getting a new bantam shipment in.

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