Buying young chickens


Apr 24, 2016
My partner and I just moved into a house where we can have chickens! Finally!! I've always thought about raising baby chicks from one of the many stores in our area but I'm hesitant because I'm pregnant and due in August, I'm worried they won't get the attention they need as I'm busily preparing for this life changing event. I'm wondering if anyone has young Americauna's for sale in the Hudson Valley? Definitely our breed of choice although we'd be open to other laid back, calm around children breeds. Any thoughts or advice?
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! How exciting for you to be able to keep chickens and with a baby in the way too!! You might like to ask on your state thread as members in your area may be able to point you in the right direction. State threads can be found here ~

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow

If you can't find point of lay (POL) birds, keep in mind that chicks grow pretty fast. If you get them now, they'll be about 3 months old in August and most chickens start laying around 4-6 month age.

Congratulations on the upcoming baby and chickens!
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice already so I'll just say hello!

All the best

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