BYC gardening thread!!

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Wow those are going to town for ya. Congrats!

They're mostly a seed crop, I need the seed for next year's farmers market. I bet when I try and grow them next year they won't be as happy.

At least they are a great cherry tomato size. When I've tried that I got tomatoes the size of a fingernail

Actually they're pretty decent sized, the tomato I saved the seed from you only needed one slice for a sandwich, these are slightly smaller so you need two or three slices for sandwich, but I figured it was a hybrid and thus the offspring wouldn't be the same but they're still good tomatoes, who nows, maybe in ten years I'll have a new variety. Lol, I have those too.
My pumpkin is done for this year. I love his shape and color, but I suspect he's a cross breed. He's supposed to be a northern giant. I'm happy with him, but I wish I knew what he crossed with. Oh well. Makes for a nice display!

Unless the pumpkin was grown from saved seed, it is not a cross. However, if you save seed from this pumpkin, the seeds of next generation will be crossed, if anything from the same family was growing close enough for a busy bee to carry pollen from that plant to the flower of your pumpkin.
Unless the pumpkin was grown from saved seed, it is not a cross.  However, if you save seed from this pumpkin, the seeds of next generation will be crossed, if anything from the same family was growing close enough for a busy bee to carry pollen from that plant to the flower of your pumpkin.  

I've just realised this is going to be a problem for me. I have a cherry tomato that I grew from a single seed that germinated from some came with a magazine about ten years ago. It's supposed to be cold tolerant so wanted to save seeds but I have heaps of other tomatoes growing with it so its dawned on me a little late that that isn't going to work. I wonder if I could cover some flowers and hand pollinate or something.........

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