BYC Guinea hen club


Here's some more !

I raised my guinias from the time they were a day old! After they were about 2 months I transferred them to a pen outside. When they 3-4 months old I let them out. I fed them in the evening and they always came back to their house. They learned early on what trees were for! When a neighbors dogs got after them I found them in the top of trees! I haven't lost a one of them. They follow me around the yard, and they come when I call them. I'm still working on the peafowl!
I have three Guinias had acquired them this last summer do to the amount of bobcat's I have
had the displeasure of dealing with and the chickens and ducks and a goose lost to them
the problem is now I doo not know if they work or do not work as the fox and bobcat's haven't
come by to show them selves but the losses have stopped completely ..... These pleasant
little guys are a little pushy on the other birds but really do not make the noise the geese do
and such a wide array of sounds they make day and night is really something to me ......
They really are a joy as nothing happens in the yard with out them alerting ............

Thank you for the Trend on Guinea Fowl

I lost 1 of my guinas to a coyote today. The rest of them made it to the trees this one didn't. I can still use a shotgun. If ant predator comes into the yard agin they are dead meat!!idon't want let my guinas much my peafowl out!!
My guinas are laying eggs at 5 mo of age! 2 if my gens are laying eggs! I've gotten 4 eggs so far? Aren't they a little young and it's the middle of winter for crying out loud!
No five months is early but not unheard of this just means you are feeding them right and the guineas are getting plenty of sleep and the winter laying is something I have found to be more of pullet thing as the years go by the lady's will start having a winter cycle to rest and recover ........
But enjoy it wile you can .....


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