BYC Guinea hen club

yardbyrd, I could maybe send you some, but it would be a couple of weeks, just over in Maine. But you can get them from Metzer's Hatchery in California, they have many varieties. I got my keets from them, all very healthy and robust. There are other hatcheries that have them as well, but I have never used anyone other than McMurray (who also has fertile eggs, but not until June) and Metzers, so cannot recommend anyone else. Maybe if you put an ad in Uncle Henry's you will have some success, there are a handful of folks in our edition who are offering keets and eggs. Let me know if you are interested, can maybe get hold of some next week, as long as you pay for shipping and costs, would not charge you for the eggs. I am sure if you put your request in Uncle's or any other local mag like that, you will get a response. Good luck!

Thank you everyone for all of your advice. The little guys are doing just great at 10 days, but I swear they are not guineas at all. They are little feathered piglets. I know that chicks eat a lot, but these little fellows are unbelievable. Ravenous, but at least when the sun goes down, so do they. One of our cats snuck out into the sunroom behind my back and a few minutes later there was all kinds of screeching going on. He was sitting on top of the screen and they were freaking out, so their alarms definitely work well! Their personalities certainly are very different from chicks', they do not like to be handled, but I am "forcing" myself on them, just a few each day, don't want to stress them too much. Boy, can those little things screech, deafening! Will have to remember what days our deliveries come and keep them in when the time comes, they will wake the whole village!

I get that they will wander. Our delivery guy told us his neighbor has a handful, and they make the same rounds every single day at the exact same time, come through his property like a cloud on the ground, go thru his garden, around his house, and then go back home or wherever. He appreciates it as he has dogs and they are keeping the ticks way down, and they are BAD this year! But he enjoys them, and knows what time of day they will come so he keeps his dogs in until they have finished their rounds. Too cute! Our road is several hundred feet from our house, but sure they will think the grass is greener over there. We do not get a lot of traffic, but cars do fly by. Might put up a little sign or two up and down the road warning people to slow down. Most are pretty good about that sort of thing as there are all kinds of farm animals everywhere. Don't want a cow stepping out in front of you! All of my animals are pretty good about coming in at night, so hopefully they will continue the tradition.

One more question, when they get to free ranging, are they friendly with the ducks? The ducks and chickens range at the same time and occasionally mingle and get along fine. Assuming I won't have a problem. And do you guys use nipple waterers? Just got some in, tired of the ducks making a wet mess, they are a pretty smart bunch and sure they will figure it out quickly, but didn't know if any of you use these for guineas or ducks? Can't wait to try them out. Also, about what age do the guineas become sexually mature? Assuming they are much like the chickens, so around 4-5 months or so? And when do they start laying, the same time? Other than these, you guys have done a fantastic job in answering all my questions, and thank you so much. Sure others will pop up as time goes along, so please be patient with me.

And hope you have success yardbyrd, in finding your eggs, but if you are desperate, will try to help.
Thanks herr, mine are in a big cardboard box in the sunroom, with the woodstove and the door shut, so it's constantly 90 or above. Have not had a need for heat lamps when I put my babies out there, ever in 5 years, and they do great, no huddling at all. It works perfectly, and totally get that the temp is so very important for the first weeks. We would still be burning the stove anyway, it's pretty chilly yet, and hate to turn on the oil heat.
I will check that out. A lot of hatcheries make you order a min. The lowest I have found so far is 15. I just want 5-10. I live in the middle of the woods. You have to take a mile long private dirt rd into woods to find me and before I spend $100 + on them I would like to see if I can keep them around.
I just found a breeder. No min! He said he will have some in a week or so. Yeah!!! So when I move my chicks out of brooder I can move the guinea in.
Now how elaborate of a coop do I need for Guinea? All they need is a safe place to sleep, right? How big will it need to be for 5-7 birds? At what age can they start free ranging? Thanks guys!
yardbyrd, I could maybe send you some, but it would be a couple of weeks, just over in Maine.  But you can get them from Metzer's Hatchery in California, they have many varieties.  I got my keets from them, all very healthy and robust.  There are other hatcheries that have them as well, but I have never used anyone other than McMurray (who also has fertile eggs, but not until June) and Metzers, so cannot recommend anyone else.  Maybe if you put an ad in Uncle Henry's you will have some success, there are a handful of folks in our edition who are offering keets and eggs.  Let me know if you are interested, can maybe get hold of some next week, as long as you pay for shipping and costs, would not charge you for the eggs.  I am sure if you put your request in Uncle's or any other local mag like that, you will get a response.  Good luck!

Thank you everyone for all of your advice.  The little guys are doing just great at 10 days, but I swear they are not guineas at all.  They are little feathered piglets.  I know that chicks eat a lot, but these little fellows are unbelievable.  Ravenous, but at least when the sun goes down, so do they.  One of our cats snuck out into the sunroom behind my back and a few minutes later there was all kinds of screeching going on.  He was sitting on top of the screen and they were freaking out, so their alarms definitely work well!  Their personalities certainly are very different from chicks', they do not like to be handled, but I am "forcing" myself on them, just a few each day, don't want to stress them too much.  Boy, can those little things screech, deafening!  Will have to remember what days our deliveries come and keep them in when the time comes, they will wake the whole village!

I get that they will wander.  Our delivery guy told us his neighbor has a handful, and they make the same rounds every single day at the exact same time, come through his property like a cloud on the ground, go thru his garden, around his house, and then go back home or wherever.  He appreciates it as he has dogs and they are keeping the ticks way down, and they are BAD this year!  But he enjoys them, and knows what time of day they will come so he keeps his dogs in until they have finished their rounds.  Too cute!  Our road is several hundred feet from our house, but sure they will think the grass is greener over there.  We do not get a lot of traffic, but cars do fly by.  Might put up a little sign or two up and down the road warning people to slow down.  Most are pretty good about that sort of thing as there are all kinds of farm animals everywhere.  Don't want a cow stepping out in front of you!  All of my animals are pretty good about coming in at night, so hopefully they will continue the tradition.

One more question, when they get to free ranging, are they friendly with the ducks?  The ducks and chickens range at the same time and occasionally mingle and get along fine.  Assuming I won't have a problem.  And do you guys use nipple waterers?  Just got some in, tired of the ducks making a wet mess, they are a pretty smart bunch and sure they will figure it out quickly, but didn't know if any of you use these for guineas or ducks?  Can't wait to try them out.  Also, about what age do the guineas become sexually mature?  Assuming they are much like the chickens, so around 4-5 months or so?  And when do they start laying, the same time?  Other than these, you guys have done a fantastic job in answering all my questions, and thank you so much.  Sure others will pop up as time goes along, so please be patient with me.

And hope you have success yardbyrd, in finding your eggs, but if you are desperate, will try to help.
I will check that out. A lot of hatcheries make you order a min. The lowest I have found so far is 15. I just want 5-10. I live in the middle of the woods. You have to take a mile long private dirt rd into woods to find me and before I spend $100 + on them I would like to see if I can keep them around.

I paid $60 for 15 of them. It was a mixed group. Al different colors.
I let then start free ranging at about 5 months. As long as you keeps their food out they will come back to their coop at night to eat. They start laying the next April after you get them, and lay until winter. They try to hide their nest. To may have to hunt for it. If you don't they will try to sit after they get so many eggs. They have communal nest.
I will check that out. A lot of hatcheries make you order a min. The lowest I have found so far is 15. I just want 5-10. I live in the middle of the woods. You have to take a mile long private dirt rd into woods to find me and before I spend $100 + on them I would like to see if I can keep them around.

Have you been to your state Trend to see if someone close to you could sell you what you want

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