BYC Guinea hen club

Thanks -- I did find a source for white millet yesterday - our local co-op - so that's a good thing. How soon could I introduce an item like that to their food? Also how long do they need to be on the game starter? I bought a 50# bag of it yesterday along with a 50# bag of regular game feed for them for later and the peafowl.
I gave them the sprigs of it---mainly to play with--after their second week. It is "rich" stuff though--so don't give them a lot. Think rich chocolate fudge candy--don't overdo it. I use chick starter for the first year, but they like a fancy mix of bird seed best after about 9 months to supplement the insects they eat---they will still eat chick starter, but will let it "go" and it tends to spoil or bring in other "eaters".
My wife and I ordered guinea eggs, then I built the the incubator. Candled the eggs today... everyone is fine. We live in the city, and plan to move the fowl out to our 1/6 square mile and turn them loose to feast on the bugs around the pond/picnic site. Does anyone have plans for making a wild bird sanctuary coop out in the wild. The property has bobcat, coons, and the occasional panther visiting. I want them to live wild... or at least wild enough. If it helps, we have a twelve foot steel tower with an 8' x 8' base. We are in Oklahoma, and it can get down to zero during the winter. I intend to feed using an automatic game feeder. If you have ideas... please share them.
Osage Territory
Thanks -- I did find a source for white millet yesterday - our local co-op - so that's a good thing. How soon could I introduce an item like that to their food? Also how long do they need to be on the game starter? I bought a 50# bag of it yesterday along with a 50# bag of regular game feed for them for later and the peafowl.

Here is what a guinea expert has said on the subject of guinea feed.

My wife and I ordered guinea eggs, then I built the the incubator.  Candled the eggs today... everyone is fine.  We live in the city, and plan to move the fowl out to our 1/6 square mile and turn them loose to feast on the bugs around the pond/picnic site.  Does anyone have plans for making a wild bird sanctuary coop out in the wild.  The property has bobcat, coons, and the occasional panther visiting.  I want them to live wild... or at least wild enough.  If it helps, we have a twelve foot steel tower with an 8' x 8' base.  We are in Oklahoma, and it can get down to zero during the winter.  I intend to feed using an automatic game feeder.  If you have ideas... please share them.
Osage Territory

I live on 65 acres N of Edmond, Ok. Before you turn them lose there are a few things you need to know and do or else you will be feeding the preditors. First of they need to be penned up in predator proff enclosures. They need to be penned up until they are grown or almost. When you first let them out plan to be around there. They should come back in the evening to eat. Then, you lock them at night letting them out the next morning. As you let them out the will range further from the pen. They will come home each eving to eat . It took loosing one to coyotes to make then head for the trees! Here recently I've lost some of mine to hawks. There're pen is also for the peafowl, and it has a chicken wire top for protection. The pen it's self is chain link. The Guineas do keep the bugs down!
Don't worry too much about the cold weather---my dudes survived just fine this past winter and it was zero for several days in a row---BUT, I made sure they had unfrozen water---I used one of those heaters for water dishes for dogs. AND--they did fine in several feet of snow too---ducked under the hedgerow. I am always amazed at these hearty little dudes!
Don't worry too much about the cold weather---my dudes survived just fine this past winter and it was zero for several days in a row---BUT, I made sure they had unfrozen water---I used one of those heaters for water dishes for dogs. AND--they did fine in several feet of snow too---ducked under the hedgerow.  I am always amazed at these hearty little dudes!

Same here, but I then locked in their house with the peafowel!
I've got 3 guineas. 2 females and one male. Hoping for more soon! There's a nest with about 6 eggs in it so far! Wondering how many there will be before she starts sitting on them...

We have tons of grasshoppers to keep them busy in summer! The guineas are great in the garden! They see a grasshopper and make a beeline for it...even if another is in the way :)

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