BYC Guinea hen club

In 2nd pix the guinea on the right is a male. The other 3 in the same pix I think are hens. Here is a pix of a hen and a male. The rooster is the light grey one the hen is the dark grey one.

Flockmaster- you can tell the hens by the call- the do a two tone call- commonly called a "buckwheat", with the second tone higher. Sometimes they will just stand and buckwheat for no reason! Roos tend to be more like a machine gun, particualrly when upset about something. Generally, hens lay the spring after they hatch.
Two hatched, a white and a pied! Candled the eggs in their nest and tossed all of the bad ones, so they have about 15-20 left.

It feels so good letting my guineas free range, Especially since I was so nervous the first time. They behave really well, and last night as I was focused on something else for once, I looked up and notice it was dark out. O no, I left the guineas and chickens out. I ran outside with a flash light. Pointed it in the coop, at the roost, few there they were. I locked it up, and went to bed.

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