BYC Guinea hen club

It feels so good letting my guineas free range, Especially since I was so nervous the first time. They behave really well, and last night as I was focused on something else for once, I looked up and notice it was dark out. O no, I left the guineas and chickens out. I ran outside with a flash light. Pointed it in the coop, at the roost, few there they were. I locked it up, and went to bed.

If you feed them at night now as they get older they will always come back. When the hens start laying keep them penned up! The males won't get far from the pen! I just spent a hour getting a hen locked up! I think she has a nest some where.

My first, they are on their way to California!
It is a good feeling when you know they have figured it out and are in a safe spot! I recently installed a PULLET-SHUT door and it works wonderfully so I don't have to worry about closing the door after my guineas are safely in bed.

Never heard of such a thing (probably since I am new to guineas and chickens).
Automatic poultry door that you can set up with a photo cell or by time- very easy to use. Different from others as it is not a guillotine type but opens sideways and you can use a battery (trickle charge option) or solar power so no worries when the power goes out. My birds got used to it very quickly. you can google Pullet Shut for info- American made in Texas.
Automatic poultry door that you can set up with a photo cell or by time- very easy to use. Different from others as it is not a guillotine type but opens sideways and you can use a battery (trickle charge option) or solar power so no worries when the power goes out. My birds got used to it very quickly. you can google Pullet Shut for info- American made in Texas.

Sounds really cool. I will be checking it out. Thanks.
Hi I don't know if this is the right place to post or not, so feel free to re-direct me, but I need help. I am currently suffering a wipeout from a respiratory disease. I had to cull everything in my chick-tractor last night. Hoping to stop it before it spread to my adult flock (who is cooped separately, but free ranges during the day. Well I had to pull a roo from the coop this morning, bc he has a wet nose & is gagging. Not yet lethargic, loss of appetite, nor sneezing. I changed the water (bleached it first) & kept everyone up, so I can keep an eye on them. I am really concerned for my lavender guinea pair & our new red bourbon turkey tom. I am here to ask you all if these kind of chicken diseases are transmittable across species to my guineas or my turkey. I will be absolutely sick if I lose them. I hatched the guineas out myself a long time ago. I will put together another pen & quarantine them, even though its most likely too late if they can catch it.... :(
Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.

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