BYC Guinea hen club

Hi I don't know if this is the right place to post or not, so feel free to re-direct me, but I need help. I am currently suffering a wipeout from a respiratory disease. I had to cull everything in my chick-tractor last night. Hoping to stop it before it spread to my adult flock (who is cooped separately, but free ranges during the day. Well I had to pull a roo from the coop this morning, bc he has a wet nose & is gagging. Not yet lethargic, loss of appetite, nor sneezing. I changed the water (bleached it first) & kept everyone up, so I can keep an eye on them. I am really concerned for my lavender guinea pair & our new red bourbon turkey tom. I am here to ask you all if these kind of chicken diseases are transmittable across species to my guineas or my turkey. I will be absolutely sick if I lose them. I hatched the guineas out myself a long time ago. I will put together another pen & quarantine them, even though its most likely too late if they can catch it.... :( 
Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.

The guinea is the African chicken I don't know if they are genetically linked talk to your extension agent or Kathy in the peacock forum.
Thanks for your reply. I plan on contacting the lab in my state tomorrow to have a necropsy done on one chicken & some stool samples tested. I am sure they will know. I was just hoping someone would know a little sooner so I can quit worrying myself to death. Hopefully, it didnt spread to my big birds & I won't have to completely restart.
Anyone have any pics of there lavender guineas? The five guineas I have are suppose to be pearls, they are about ten weeks old but there faces are not white they are lavender colored. Does that mean there lavender?
I have a picture but he's on the other side of my roo so you can't see him too well. I was sold a few in the past that the people claimed were "white" but they were actually lavender.
I have a picture but he's on the other side of my roo so you can't see him too well. I was sold a few in the past that the people claimed were "white" but they were actually lavender.
Mine are darker then yours, there body is dark grey but fron the neck base up has a dark purple color. Ill post some pics later if I can catch one lol fast little things.
Yeah, about the only time I can catch mine are on roost at night. But they are good little guineas. They come back to the coop if they are let out/escape when I "ask" them to. Mine look lighter than they are here, bc you can visibly see the white spots on their body against the light purple. As they were maturing - b4 they went bald- they had darker purple necks and heads.
Google images can clearly show you the difference between a white & a lavender if you have the time to look up pics for comparison :)
Definitely would like to see yours though. I luckily ended up with a male & a female, so I plan to breed later.
Yeah, about the only time I can catch mine are on roost at night. But they are good little guineas. They come back to the coop if they are let out/escape when I "ask" them to. Mine look lighter than they are here, bc you can visibly see the white spots on their body against the light purple. As they were maturing - b4 they went bald- they had darker purple necks and heads.
Google images can clearly show you the difference between a white & a lavender if you have the time to look up pics for comparison :)
Definitely would like to see yours though. I luckily ended up with a male & a female, so I plan to breed later.

Mine havent went bald yet so maybe they are pearls lol, I have two hens out if the five that I know for sure are hens because there doing there buck wheat sound all the time lol, ill get some pics this weekend and post them.
Here is a white one
I lost one of my lavender guineas today. I found him dead in the pen. He didn't have a mark on him. He was fat. I keep them wormed. I gave chain link fencing with small chicken wire about 4' up to keep their heads and baby's in. I don't know why he died!

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