BYC Guinea hen club

If you're worried about them getting along with your chickens, I'd suggest that you raise the guineas keets with your chicks...worked for me last spring...
(click photo to enlarge)

I only have two guineas left (due to predation). My guineas get along with my chickens. They all roost together at night, stay close to the chickens when I let them out in the yard during the day, and can muscle their way to the food. They have their place in the pecking order of our flock.
(click to enlarge photo)

Does anybody have a suggestion for telling male from female? One of mine is a lot more vocal than the other, but I haven't gotten any eggs since mid-summer.
If you're worried about them getting along with your chickens, I'd suggest that you raise the guineas keets with your chicks...worked for me last spring... (click photo to enlarge) I only have two guineas left (due to predation). My guineas get along with my chickens. They all roost together at night, stay close to the chickens when I let them out in the yard during the day, and can muscle their way to the food. They have their place in the pecking order of our flock. (click to enlarge photo) Does anybody have a suggestion for telling male from female? One of mine is a lot more vocal than the other, but I haven't gotten any eggs since mid-summer.
The females make a sound that sounds like "Buckwheat", and the male just screeches. Also the wattles are larger and longer than the females. They get their voices about at 3 mos. I've raised guineas and peafowls togeather. At first the guineas ruled the roost now it is the peafowl!
The females make a sound that sounds like "Buckwheat", and the male just screeches. Also the wattles are larger and longer than the females. They get their voices about at 3 mos. I've raised guineas and peafowls togeather. At first the guineas ruled the roost now it is the peafowl!
Why would you need to deworm guineas just because they are raised with chickens? I need to know, my guineas have always been with my chickens.

Chickens carry the cocci worm which has a parasite in it which attacks the liver, the chicken is some what immune to it. Other poultry are not. Peafowl are extremely susceptible to it. If you raise anything but chickens it is best to keep them wormed.
Chickens carry the cocci worm which has a parasite in it which attacks the liver, the chicken is some what immune to it. Other poultry are not. Peafowl are extremely susceptible to it. If you raise anything but chickens it is best to keep them wormed.
What about ducks and geese?
Hello everyone. I was interested in getting guinea keets this summer and I have some questions.

Can I feed my keets chick starter?

Is it possible to buy them from a nearby hatchery and drive them home without losses? Are they that sensitive to cold?

Can I brood them just like I brood chicks?

Are there certain foods they cannot eat?

Thanks everyone! I appreciate it!

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